
Marnate: a place between valley and hill

With its 8,007 inhabitants, Marnate is a municipality located in the province of Varese, in Lombardy. The village stretches over a flat territory overlooking the Olona valley, while the district of Nizzolina is situated to the east, with its industrial area and woodland that rises slightly towards the hills. This privileged location is perfect for those who want to enjoy the panorama of the valley and the surrounding hills, without giving up the possibility of quickly reaching the nearby town of Busto Arsizio.

The origin of the name

The name Marnate has various origins, but according to some sources, it could derive from the name Marino, one of the first inhabitants of the town. Others instead connect it to the presence of a limestone rock called "Marna", used to correct and make the land more productive. Finally, some suggest that Marnate was a place for storing supplies destined for the Roman legions stationed in Cisalpine Gaul. In any case, what matters is that Marnate has an ancient and interesting history.

Marnate: between history and nature in the Olona valley.

History and archaeological finds

The first inhabitants of the Marnate area were Ligurian tribes, as demonstrated by some similarities between the local dialect and the Ligurian language. Over time, new migrations led to the settlement of different tribes in this area. In Roman times, Marnate was an important place thanks to the presence of a military river port on the Olona, which allowed for commercial exchanges between Gaul and Italy. In 1972, archaeological finds were discovered in a small cemetery dating back to 300 BC at the foot of the hill of Nizzolina alta.

Marnate in the Middle Ages

The first document mentioning the name of Marnate dates back to 1072 and is a plaque now preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Milan. Furthermore, Marnate appears in a fresco inside the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican, which depicts all the inhabited centers of the Italian peninsula in detail in the seventeenth century. In 1176, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa stopped in Marnate to receive the first aid after a battle on the Ticino River. In 1630, the village was hit by a terrible plague epidemic, and for this reason, the Lazzaretto di Marnate was built in the valley.

The Church of Sant'Ilario

The Church of Sant'Ilario in Marnate has a very ancient history. Initially, it was a cemetery chapel, but in the sixteenth century, it was lengthened and enlarged to accommodate the entire community. In 1902, interventions were made to consolidate the structure, and in subsequent works completed in 1914, it was again lengthened according to the design of the local architect Camillo Crespi Balbi. This church, with its graceful facade and towering central bell tower, recalls France, the homeland of Sant'Ilario.


In summary, Marnate is a municipality that offers its inhabitants and tourists a unique atmosphere, between valley and hills, history, and culture. The presence of archaeological finds and historical monuments, such as the Lazzaretto and the Church of Sant'Ilario, testify to the ancient and fascinating past of the town, while the panoramic location makes it a perfect place to enjoy the landscape and tranquility of life in the countryside without moving away from the city. Anyone who decides to visit Marnate can be sure of finding a welcoming and surprising place.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Monday, Oct 31, 2022