
A journey to the roots of Marmentino

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about a small Italian village with ancient and very interesting roots: Marmentino. Located in the province of Brescia in Lombardy, it has only 662 inhabitants but a deep and legendary history.


It is interesting to note that the village played an important role in the history of the church of Saints Cosmas and Damian. A document from 19 September 1240 denounces the disastrous situation of the church, due to the negligence of the rectors who had contracted several debts. To solve the situation, it was decided to sell the church's assets (such as animals and hay) to pay off the debts.

In addition, in 1281 the municipality of Marmentino was involved in a lawsuit with Bovegno over the expenses for the conservation of the mother church of St. George. In 1610, the Podestà of Brescia, Giovanni Da Lezze, described the high valley as poor, with the inhabitants of Marmentino forced to work as farmers or miners, often emigrating abroad.

Speaking of emigration, Marmentino's miners were active between the mid-nineteenth and twentieth centuries in various parts of the world. Between 1892 and 1922, 23 people emigrated to the United States of America.

Marmentino: history and legends of a small Lombard community.


The municipality of Marmentino adopted its symbol in 1958: the dog to represent loyalty to the Republic of Venice. The three stars represent the villages of Ville, Dosso, and Ombriani. The coat of arms was used freely until 2008 when the dog was replaced by a greyhound.

The legendary passage of Pope Alexander III in the Valley in 1166

Furthermore, there is a very interesting legend about the passage of Pope Alexander III in the Valley in 1166. It is said that the pope passed over the mountains of Brescia and in Val Vestino, exiled from Rome and supporter of free communes, escaping the imperialists of Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa and escaping the authority of four antipopes. Although many historians consider it devoid of clear and consistent evidence, the legend has been orally passed down by locals for centuries and transcribed by historians such as Cipriano Gnesotti.


In conclusion, Marmentino is a small village but rich in history and legends. Its roots, with ups and downs, tell of a community that has always struggled to maintain itself, often forced to emigrate far away but always proud of its identity. If you are ever in the area, I recommend stopping by Marmentino to immerse yourself in its ancient and fascinating atmosphere.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Sunday, Mar 13, 2022