Casore del Monte

Join me on a journey of discovery to Casore del Monte

If you love trekking and admiring breathtaking views, then you must visit Casore del Monte, a hamlet of the municipality of Marliana, in the province of Pistoia, in Tuscany. This ancient town is located along the ridge that runs from Femminamorta to Serravalle Pistoiese and delimits the hydrographic basins of the Nievole River to the west and the Vincio di Montagnana to the east, a tributary of the Ombrone Pistoiese. Its privileged position allows for exceptional views that encompass a vast area of Tuscany, from the plain of the Grande Valdinievole to the Lucchesia, from the Pistoia, Prato and Florence plains to the lower Arno Valley. Moreover, in optimal weather conditions, the bell tower of Giotto and the dome of Brunelleschi in Florence, Monte Amiata and the Tyrrhenian Sea with some islands of the Tuscan Archipelago can be clearly seen from Casore del Monte.

Physical Geography

This small village can be reached by road from Ponte di Serravalle that follows the entire upper course of the Nievole River, or from Pistoia, following the course of the Vincio River. One can also take the road from Pistoia to Femminamorta. Casore is also connected to Marliana. Leaving the typical Tuscan landscapes behind, one enters a world of trails surrounded by a spectacle of tall chestnut forests. From here, many trekking trails lead to nearby towns like Avaglio, Panicagliora, Femminamorta and Prunetta.

Discover Casore del Monte: trekking, panoramas, and history in Tuscany.


The mountainous territory between the current provinces of Pistoia and Modena was inhabited since prehistoric times by the ancient Ligurians. This is attested to by some 13 place names still existing only in the municipality of Marliana. The names of Panicagliora, Avaglio, Cireglio, Piteglio, Popiglio, and others, all with the suffix "gl" and close to Casore del Monte, are the only surviving traces of their settlements. This area was crossed since ancient times by roads that led, from the Po Valley and the passes of the Apennine ridge, through the Pistoiese mountains to the Ombrone and Nievole plains, in Etruria. The Romanization of the territory is also proven by the names of some localities in the area: Marliana perhaps derives from Marilius; Momigno from Maminius. Casore del Monte, in particular, could have been the path chosen by Hannibal, the Carthaginian leader, during the Second Punic War, after crossing the Tosco-Emilian Apennines coming from the north, to descend towards the Ombrone and Nievole plains, having just won the victorious battles with the Romans. After the Hannibalic wars, the Roman consul Gaius Flaminius Nepos, leading an army, in 187 BC, defeated the Ligurian Friniati and drove them beyond the slopes of Monte Auginum, which dominates the Frignano. The history of Casore del Monte was also marked by the Medici; the Florentine house gained control of the territory in a later period, ensuring its access road and creating a series of paths in the Avugliana Forest. Subsequently, the territory was contested among various local feudal lords, until it became part of the municipality of Marliana.

Must-see attractions

If you want to fully experience this, especially if you are a nature lover, I recommend planning your trip in the summer or autumn. In this way, in addition to the natural beauty of the area, you can also participate in a series of cultural events, including the "Chestnut Festival," where you can try local specialties while walking in the chestnut woods. The territory is rich in cultural attractions, including the Church of San Giovanni Battista, dating back to the pre-medieval period, the Church of Madonna delle Grazie, dating back to the 13th century, and the Tower of the Alberti, a defensive tower built in the 1200s.


In summary, Casore del Monte is a perfect destination for nature, history, and culture lovers. Its panoramic position, its trails, its cultural attractions, and its culinary specialties, combined with the beauty of Tuscany, will make your visit unforgettable. So, what are you waiting for? Plan your trip now and enjoy the beauty of Casore del Monte!

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Friday, Sep 16, 2022