
Welcome to Mariglianella!

If you are looking for a peaceful place away from the hustle and bustle of the city but still close to Naples, Mariglianella could be the right place for you! This town of 7729 inhabitants is located in the north-eastern hinterland of Naples, just 15 km from the city, and borders Brusciano, Marigliano (with which it forms a single urban agglomeration) and Somma Vesuviana. Here you will find some history and tradition, along with natural and cultural beauties to discover.

Explore the territory

Mariglianella is located near the Nolana Area and extends over a hilly territory that offers a panoramic view of the surroundings, among vineyards and olive groves. The origins of this site are ancient: Casale di Marigliano, from which it takes its name, has Roman origins, as demonstrated by some tombs found in the area.

Mariglianella: history, tradition and natural beauty just a few km away from Naples.

History of Mariglianella

The history of Mariglianella is not very different from that of other towns in the area: conquered by the Neapolitans and Nolans in the 2nd century BC, it was assigned to Rome by Quintus Fabius Labeo. From here, its history as a fortified city began, which, however, was unable to withstand the barbarian invasions following the collapse of the Roman Empire. After the Middle Ages, it became part of the Duchy of Naples and became an autonomous University with its own administrative life. Then it became the property of the noble families of the time for about a century and a half.

One of the most representative characters of the feud of Mariglianella was Carlo Carafa, born in Mariglianella by the Dukes of Andria in 1561. A valiant captain in the service of Philip II of Spain, he died in 1633 in a state of holiness. He rebuilt, out of gratitude to the Virgin, the very ancient church dedicated to the Holy Bishop of Nola, Calonius, and wanted it to be called Madonna della Sanità. With the visit of King Charles III of Spain, warmly welcomed by the population, various reforms were initiated that improved the poor conditions of the population.

In 1745, the Decurion Council was formed, the organ of the organic representation of the Universities, so called because it was composed of decurions. One of the first decurion councils of Mariglianella dates back to 1752. In 1806, with the abolition of feudalism, it was hoped to eliminate the influence of feudal lords, but things did not go exactly as planned.

Curiosities about the origin of the name

The origin of the name Mariglianella is quite mysterious and linked to a legend. It is said that a man named Marigliano was killed in the past by a brigand. A chapel was built in his honor, and from that moment on, the site was called "Casale Mariglianum" and then "Mariglianella".

Places to visit

Among the places of greatest interest are the Church of San Michele Arcangelo, dating back to the Middle Ages and with a beautiful bell tower, and the Church of Santa Maria della Sanità, a gem of Neapolitan Baroque, built thanks to the initiative of Father Carlo Carafa in the 16th century. However, the most important place is certainly the Cuma Marzabotto Archaeological Area and the Aqueducts Park, where the ancient sources of drinking water that supplied Naples and its surroundings are located.

Life in Mariglianella today

Mariglianella has grown a lot over the years, but has still maintained a traditional and welcoming atmosphere. The municipality is known for the production of olives and wine, but also for its cuisine, which offers high-quality meat and fish dishes. In addition, there are numerous festivals and celebrations that animate the life of the town, such as the Mariglianese Carnival and the Feast of San Michele Arcangelo in September.


We have come to the end of this journey through the history and tradition of Mariglianella. This town, nestled in the hills of the hinterland, represents a perfect destination for those seeking tranquility, natural and cultural beauties, and delicious cuisine. And if you are a lover of history, culture, and art, you cannot miss a visit to the Cuma Marzabotto Archaeological Area and the Aqueducts Park. Come and discover Mariglianella and let yourself be conquered by its hospitality!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Saturday, Feb 11, 2023