Mariana Mantovana

Welcome to Mariana Mantovana!

Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking about Mariana Mantovana, a municipality of 819 inhabitants located in Lombardy, in the province of Mantua. The municipality is also known as ''Mariàna'' in the Upper Mantuan dialect and was officially named so in 1929. Come discover some information about this charming town!

Physical Geography

Let's start with the physical geography of Mariana Mantovana. It is located about 26 kilometers from Mantua, 107 kilometers from Milan, and 193 kilometers from the beautiful city of Venice. The territory covers an area of 10.23 square kilometers and borders the municipalities of Gazoldo degli Ippoliti, Mantua, Casalmoro, Piubega, and Acquanegra sul Chiese. The area is characterized by an alluvial plain, interspersed with low and leafy hills in the Asola area. The Chiese River flows through part of the municipality.

Discover Mariana Mantovana: history and attractions


Now let's move on to the history of Mariana Mantovana. It is said that the municipality was named after Gaius Marius, in honor of his victory over the Cimbri obtained between Verona and Mantua. However, there are no historical traces of Marius in Mariana Mantovana. It is believed that the territory of Mariana Mantovana was distributed to legionaries during the centuriation of the Mantuan plain in the 1st century BC. In 1111, the Count "Uberto di Conti di Sabbioneta" testified to the investiture of the abbot of the Abbey of San Tommaso, "Pietro di Acquanegra," in favor of the Gironda Abbey of Bozzolo. Over the centuries, Mariana Mantovana followed the events of Brescia, to which its territory belonged, and the diocese to which the parish belonged. The municipality of Brescia then granted Mariana Mantovana as a fief to the Ugoni-Longhi family, counts of Casalodi, until the beginning of the 15th century.

At the beginning of the 15th century, the fief of Mariana and the castle were assigned to the Dal Verme family. Taddeo Dal Verme, the first assignee, fought and defended the territory in alliance with the Visconti of Milan and the Republic of Venice against the Gonzaga. Taddeo's son, Eleuterio, bequeathed all the fiefs to the imperial count of Sanguinetto, Luigi Dal Verme, count of Bobbio and Voghera, but in 1437 all the Venetian fiefs were confiscated for the definitive alliance with Milan.

Over time, the events of Mariana Mantovana were influenced by the events of Brescia, which was contested for a long time between the Gonzaga and the Visconti of Milan, along with the Republic of Venice. A part of the fief was arbitrarily granted by Gianfrancesco Gonzaga in 1412 to Count Carlo Albertini di Prato, who was later declared deposed and imprisoned with his brothers, accused of having organized a coup against the Gonzaga. In 1427, Asola, the main center of the territory, passed under the dominion of Mantua, but a popular uprising drove out the Gonzaga militias and the community decided to voluntarily submit to the Venetian Republic. After a series of conflicts, Francesco Sforza divided the Mariana territory into two sectors: the Castello di Mariana Mantovana, with part of the territory remaining with the Gonzaga, the rest of Mariana went to the Republic of Venice merging it into the territory of Asola.

What to Visit

If you find yourself in Mariana Mantovana, do not miss the opportunity to visit the Castello di Mariana Mantovana, a 16th-century building located in the center of the municipality. It was built by the Dal Verme family to defend the territory from invasions. Currently, the castle houses the municipal seat and some cultural associations. In the surroundings of the castle, you can admire the church of Sant'Egidio, dating back to the 12th century, with its impressive bell tower.

Another interesting attraction of Mariana Mantovana is the Oratorio di San Sebastiano, a small 16th-century building with a brick façade and a ceiling decorated with coffers. In this oratory, you can admire a precious fresco attributed to Francesco Bonsignori, which represents the Madonna on a throne, Saint Sebastian, and Saint Roch.

Finally, if you are nature lovers, do not miss a trip to the Bosco della Fontana Nature Reserve, a protected area characterized by woods and streams where you can take long walks immersed in the tranquility of nature.


In conclusion, Mariana Mantovana is a beautiful municipality worth visiting to learn about its history and attractions. Whether you are lovers of art, nature, or history, you will surely find something that suits you! If you have never visited it, do not hesitate to do so: you will be enchanted by the beauty of this place.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Wednesday, Oct 12, 2022