
A journey to Maretto: history, art and spirituality

If you are looking for a small historic village nestled in the hills of Piedmont, Maretto is the place for you! Located only 240 meters above sea level, this municipality in the province of Asti boasts a brief but interesting history that has shaped its identity symbols.

A history of apples and Frenchmen

The name Maretto comes from the ancient "maletum", which means "apple orchard", one of the main economic resources of the area in ancient times. However, it was not the apples that shaped the symbols of the municipality. In fact, the coat of arms features a blue border, enriched with eight gold lilies that recall the passage of the County of Asti under the French control of the Orléans. The gonfalon, a yellow flag with a blue border, completes the festive image of the town.

Discover Maretto: history, art, and spirituality in a Piedmontese village.

The Church of Santa Croce: the religious and cultural heart of Maretto

Through a long history of faith and devotion, the Church of Santa Croce represents a crossroads of art, culture and spirituality. The Confraternity of the Holy Cross was founded in the seventeenth century with the goal of promoting liturgy and spreading devotion to the Holy Cross. Starting from November 22nd, 1686, the day when the first stone was laid, the church took shape until it was consecrated in 1689.

The building was then enriched with paintings and works of art, which today constitute a heritage of great historical and artistic value. In particular, the relic of the True Cross, preserved in a special cabinet behind the high altar, represents a palpable testimony of the devotion and trust in God that animates the community of Maretto. The liturgical feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, celebrated on September 14th, is a moment of great intensity for the whole community.

Restoration and valorization of cultural heritage

In recent years, the Church of Santa Croce has been the subject of restoration and valorization interventions for the artistic heritage present inside. In particular, thanks to the restoration work carried out between the late nineties and 2012, the church can be used again for some liturgical celebrations.

The seventeenth century paintings and reliquary busts have been restored and the subject of exhibitions and historical research, which have helped to make known the beauty and historical richness of this small Piedmontese jewel.

Finally, the high altar and the wooden sculptures that adorn it have been the subject of restoration and constant attention from the community, which recognizes the importance of preserving its history and identity.


Maretto is a place of great interest for those who want to learn about the history, culture and spirituality of the territory in which it is located. The Church of Santa Croce is the centerpiece of the religious and cultural life of this town, which preserves a heritage of great historical and artistic value.

Thanks to recent restoration and valorization interventions, the community of Maretto has been able to preserve its identity and share with visitors the beauty of its history. For those who want to discover a corner of Piedmont with an ancient and authentic flavor, Maretto is undoubtedly an ideal destination.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Sunday, Mar 27, 2022