
A picturesque village: Marcetelli

Hello friends! Today I want to talk to you about one of the least populated Italian municipalities, but not for this reason less interesting. I'm talking about Marcetelli, a beautiful village located in the province of Rieti, in Lazio. With only 69 inhabitants, it is one of the least populated municipalities in Italy, but that doesn't detract from its beauty and charm.

A unique geographic location

Marcetelli is located at 930 meters above sea level, surrounded by the peaks of the mountains La Cimata, Colle Ciccia, Colle Calende and Pietriboni. These mountains are part of the geographic region of Cicolano, and are located close to the natural reserve of Monte Navegna and Monte Cervia. In addition, the village overlooks the artificial lake of Salto, created in the Salto Valley in 1940. If you love nature, you will find a true paradise in Marcetelli.

Marcetelli: between history, nature and tranquility.

An ancient history

The toponym Marcetelli would come, according to tradition, from the Latin phrase "Marsorum tellus", meaning land of the Counts of Marsi. The contemporary village was formerly located in the Res publica Aequiculanorum, along the path of the original Equicolana road. This ancient road connected the Sabine city of Reate to the territories of the Equi and the Marsi, following for long stretches the course of the Salto.

The inhabited nucleus of Marcetelli was built during the medieval castling around the parish church of Santa Maria de Massitello, later known as Santa Maria de Ilicis and finally as Santa Maria in Villa. The original fortification of the Castle of Marcetelli was built in the twelfth century by the noble Mareri family, which ruled for a long period the fief of the Barony of Collalto Sabino and the county of Mareri. The castle, of which today there are few traces, was located in a strategic geographic position and in visual alignment with the similar military structures of the area.

Marcetelli was included in the Papal States, but in some periods it was annexed to the Kingdom of Naples. In 1578 several families from Marcetelli accepted the invitation of Cardinal and Bishop Flavio Orsini to settle in the estate of Montefalco, possessions of the Orsini family, founding the village of Monteflavio. The feudal lordship of the Mareri in the village of the Salto Valley lasted until 1655 with ups and downs; they were followed by the Barberini, owners of the fiefdom until the abolition of the feudal system in the early nineteenth century.

Marcetelli was affected by brigandage, especially after the Unification of Italy. Like the entire Salto Valley, it was at the center of the tragic events of the post-Unitarian Italian brigandage of the Cartore gang and the bandit leader Berardino Viola. From 1863 it was part of the district of Orvinio and the district of Rieti in the Umbria province of the Perugia Province and in 1923 it was added to the province of Rome and the Lazio Region, finally in 1927 to the newly established province of Rieti.


As you can see, Marcetelli is a small hidden treasure in Lazio, and its millenary history is a further testimony of its beauty and historical importance. The village offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains and the Salto Lake, and is ideal for those who need a break from the frenzy of daily life. Despite its small population, Marcetelli is rich in history, culture, and traditions, and it is worth visiting at least once in life.

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Sunday, Aug 28, 2022