
Introducing Marcellina: a small town in Lazio

Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about my favorite city: Marcellina! Marcellina is a town in Lazio, located about 40 km from Rome. The town has about 6,926 inhabitants and is located on the southern slopes of the Lucretili mountains.

The physical geography of Marcellina

The town is located at an elevation of 285 meters above sea level, which provides a spectacular view of the Aniene Valley. The climate of Marcellina is Mediterranean, with mild and rainy winters and hot and dry summers.

Marcellina: Story of a city in Lazio.

Where does the name Marcellina come from?

There are several theories about the derivation of the city's name. According to one theory, Marcellina takes its name from the feudal family of Marcellini, who owned land in the area in the Middle Ages. Another theory suggests that the name Marcellina derives from the Roman gens of the Claudii Marcelli.

The history of Marcellina

Marcellina has a very ancient history, dating back to prehistoric times. Neanderthal skeletons have been found in the Saccopastore quarry. Neolithic burials have been found in the localities of "Le Fosse" and "Le Caprine". Homo sapiens lived in the Polesini Cave, near Ponte Lucano, hunting deer, wolves, deer, and any prey that they could shoot.

Pre-Roman and Roman times

During the pre-Roman era, Marcellina was an outpost of the Sabines against the Latins. According to Livy, the city was one of the first to enter the Roman orbit. It was the Romans who used the marble quarry in the territory. The city was built in steps with an acropolis located in the highest part, and at the foot of Mount Gennaro, there are walls in "opera poligonale".

Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, Marcellina underwent several invasions. In 916, the neighboring city of Tivoli drove the Saracens from the area. In 1153, Pope Anastasius IV sent a bull to Pietro Abate at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Grace (Marcellina), (the current parish church of Santa Maria delle Grazie). This document tells for the first time of a "castrum Marcellini," and of its feudal lord, Signor Gregorio De Marcellinis, whose house was near the church of San Saturnino di Monte Cavallo.

Here is the coat of arms of Marcellina

The coat of arms of Marcellina is an ancient family coat of arms, dated 1472, belonging to Giovanni Marcellini. It was adopted as the symbol of the town of Marcellina.

I hope you enjoyed this brief tour of Marcellina. The history of this city is very rich and fascinating, and there are still many secrets to uncover! If you have the chance to visit Marcellina, I highly recommend it. You will not be disappointed!

Martina Moretti
Updated Saturday, Jan 29, 2022