
Welcome to Bosco Chiesanuova, a mountain municipality in Veneto

Welcome to Bosco Chiesanuova, a mountain municipality in Veneto with 3538 inhabitants located on the ridge between the Squaranto valley and the Anguilla valley. The municipality gives rise to the Squaranto valley and the Valpantena, and is the second highest municipal capital in Verona, after Erbezzo. Bosco Chiesanuova is located in the northeast of the Province of Verona, 31 kilometers from the city and borders the province of Trento.

Physical geography of Bosco Chiesanuova

The territory of the municipality is divided into two parts, one anthropized to the south and one to the north with pastures for summer grazing and ski fields in winter. The nearby locality of Malga San Giorgio has ski lifts that attract tourists who want to practice winter sports. The city is located at a fairly high altitude, reaching 1066 meters.

Discover Bosco Chiesanuova: a mountain municipality rich in history and nature.

History of Bosco Chiesanuova

Bosco Chiesanuova has an impressive history, with human settlements dating back to the Paleolithic period, including the most important ones in Lughezzano and San Giorgio. In San Giorgio, located at an altitude of about 1500 meters, important well-preserved archaeological discoveries have been found. The municipality became more important during the period of the Thirteen Communities when the Cimbrian municipalities of Frizzolana and Valdiporro settled there, testifying the Cimbrian past of the territory. The Frizzolana area was under the rule of three different abbeys, and is specialized in the production of white coal.

Administrative structure of Bosco Chiesanuova

Bosco Chiesanuova has a particular administrative structure with a Massaro, a sort of mayor aided by four councilors appointed by the fractions, including Erbezzo which at that time did not have administrative autonomy. Autonomy ended during the Napoleonic rule when the independent mountain communities were canceled.

In conclusion, Bosco Chiesanuova is a city that encloses many testimonies of the history of the Cimbrian past, which has left significant marks in the structure and culture of the place. The city is also admired for its natural beauty and for being a quiet and ideal place for mountain lovers.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Jul 18, 2022