Marano Vicentino

A journey to discover Marano Vicentino

Hello everyone! Today I will take you on a journey to discover Marano Vicentino, a municipality in the Veneto region, in the province of Vicenza. We are in a territory that belongs to the Alto Vicentino, an area characterized by a long history and remarkable natural beauty.

The physical geography of Marano Vicentino

The municipality of Marano Vicentino is crossed by many waterways, including the Roggia Maestra, the Rio delle Pietre, and the two most important ones: Leogra and Timonchio, which converge in the territory of the municipality. This makes Marano Vicentino an ideal place for outdoor activities, such as hiking and fishing.

Marano Vicentino: nature and history in the heart of Veneto

The history of Marano Vicentino

But let us talk about the history of Marano Vicentino. The interpretations about the etymology of the name Marano are discordant: the most accepted one refers it to the Latin language Marianus and therefore to the proper name Marius. The territory of Marano was already organized for agricultural purposes in Roman times, as witnessed by the road coming from Vicenza and the tombs of cremated people discovered along the railway line.

During the Early Middle Ages, Marano Vicentino was under the domination of the Lombards, the Franks, and the Hungarians. Subsequently, in the 9th and 10th centuries, the emperors gave it to the bishops of Vicenza, who fragmented it and gave it in fief to lay and ecclesiastical lords. In 1284, the brothers Ecelino, Bonagiunta, Benincasa and Enrico called Bruto, sons of Enrico Signoreto da Marano and themselves lords of Marano, acquired possession and use of the water of the Roggia, which had a remarkable value for irrigation of the fields and for milling cereals.

The church of Santa Maria di Marano, on the other hand, probably has very ancient origins, documented at least since 1186. Around the year 1000, it was endowed with the dignity of the pievanate, that is, it was the seat of an archpriest vicar of the bishop of Vicenza.


And so our journey to discover Marano Vicentino ends. Thank you for following me and I hope to have made you know a little more about this municipality, rich in history and natural beauty. If you are in the area, do not miss the opportunity to visit this magical place!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Jul 18, 2022