Marano Equo

Marano Equo: A Description of the Territory

Marano Equo is an Italian municipality located in the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, in Lazio. With a population of 784 inhabitants, the village is situated on the southern top of a hill that reaches a maximum altitude of 488 meters. To the west, the municipal territory extends up to 700 meters above sea level on the Monti Ruffi ridge, while to the east it overlooks the Aniene valley. The position of the village is remarkable for its water sources, which not only provide mineral water but also large quantities of high-quality water. This phenomenon has interested the area since ancient Rome, when the Aqua Claudia, Aqua Marcia, and Aqua Augusta aqueducts exploited the Curzia and Cerulea springs between the municipalities of Arsoli and Marano Equo.

Origins of the Name of Marano Equo

The name of Marano Equo has several possible origins. Some sources trace it back to an ancient territory belonging to a certain Mario during the Roman era, while others connect it to the prosperity of its waters (Maranis: Marrana). Others maintain that the name comes from an ancient possession of the Equi, an ancient people of the area, or that it is connected to the Saracen invasion. The second part of the name, Equo, comes from the ancient people of the Equi.

Marano Equo: between history, nature, and flavors.

The History of Marano Equo

The history of Marano Equo is strongly linked to the Benedictine period, when monks built abbeys and castles in strategic locations to defend themselves from external attacks. Around the year 1000, the monks built the castle of the village, as evidenced in the bull of Pasquale II. The castle was connected to other fortresses in some surrounding areas, through a road that led to Subiaco, crossing the Marano wooden bridge, which we find references to in documents until 1809. Over time, the castle passed under the control of several personalities belonging to the Benedictine order and was a reference point for the construction of houses. In 1471, the castle and its possessions were transferred from the abbey authority to the commendatory, once again belonging to the clergy, and in 1753 it came under direct control of the Papacy.

Characteristics of Marano Equo and Surroundings

The castle of Marano has been used for various purposes over the years and even today, we preserve the highest part used as a dwelling and the Court Square in front of it, together with the small church of the village. An interesting part of Marano Equo is the architectural and environmental structures, well recognizable as a Benedictine imprint. The surrounding area of the village, including the Monti Ruffi and Monti Simbruini ridges, hosts numerous hiking trails and breathtaking panoramic positions. Marano is also famous for its cuisine, olive oil, and cheese production.


Marano Equo is a small and characteristic Italian village that repays its visit with the beauty of the Benedictine period and the enchanting panoramic views. The castle of the village and the surrounding area are particularly interesting for history and hiking enthusiasts. The presence of water sources is a regional peculiarity and a natural resource of great importance. The culinary culture and local production are other factors that make Marano Equo a true hidden gem in the heart of Lazio.

Martina Moretti
Updated Wednesday, May 4, 2022