
Welcome to the Province of Sondrio

Hello friends! Today I want to talk to you about the Province of Sondrio, a beautiful area in Lombardy with a population of 178,481.

The Physical Geography of the Province

The territory of Sondrio is characterized by mountains and valleys that extend mostly longitudinally. The main valleys are the Valtellina and the Valchiavenna. Sondrio is home to the highest mountains in Lombardy, which belong to the Rhaetian Alps, as well as high mountain communities like Livigno, which is located at almost 2,000 meters above sea level. The province borders Switzerland, the Province of Como, the Province of Lecco, the Province of Bergamo, the Province of Brescia, and Trentino-Alto Adige.

A unique feature of the province of Sondrio is that it is the only Italian province to host three different main alpine river basins: the Reno di Lei and the Reno Posteriore, which flow into the North Sea, the Adda, which forms the Valtellina and flows into the Adriatic Sea through the Po, and the artificial lake of Livigno, which drains its waters into the Inn River on the border with Switzerland, ultimately ending up in the Danube in northern Austria.

Sondrio: mountains, valleys, and history in Lombardy.

The History of the Province

Sondrio has a long and important history. It was the fastest route of connection between central Europe and the Italian peninsula, and was therefore an object of continual expansionist aims by neighboring peoples.

Sondrio was inhabited by Celtic-Ligurian and Rhaetian populations in ancient times, and after Roman domination, it fell under the rule of the Lombards and then the Franks. The emperors assigned the provincial territory to the bishops of the Diocese of Como, to which it still belongs.

In the 14th century, the western territory was under the dominion of the Visconti and then the Sforza of the Duchy of Milan, while the eastern part constituted the outer limit of the Republic of Venice. In 1512 it passed under the dominion of the Grisons during which the Holy Slaughter of 1620 occurred, in which 400 Protestants were killed. Giacomo Robustelli, leader of the revolt, declared the independence of the Valtellina. The bloody insurrection of Catholics against Protestants was fomented by Spain and the exiled Valtellinese nobles of the Grisons.

Tourist Attractions

Now that you have a general overview of the Province of Sondrio, I want to share with you some of its most famous tourist attractions.

Valchiavenna is a must-see for those who visit the province, with its imposing mountains and the famous Acquafraggia waterfalls.

If you are a skiing enthusiast, Livigno is a must-visit international ski resort. Livigno also offers numerous summer activities such as mountain biking and trekking.

For those who love historic towns, Bormio is a great destination. This medieval city is famous for its thermal baths and the famous ascent of the Stelvio Pass, part of the Giro d'Italia.

Lastly, Valtellina is a highly significant wine region. You can tour local wineries and taste the famous red wines of the area, such as Sassella and Valtellina Superiore.


In short, the Province of Sondrio is an incredible area that provides visitors with a unique experience. From mountains to historic towns to outdoor activities, there is something for everyone. If you happen to be in Lombardy, I highly recommend taking a detour to Sondrio.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023