Manoppello Scalo

Manoppello Scalo: an industrial and commercial center in the Val Pescara

Manoppello Scalo is a hamlet located in the province of Pescara. This industrial and commercial center develops along the Tiburtina state highway and was founded in the 1950s thanks to the presence of the railway, the highway, and the main communication routes of the region. Today, Manoppello Scalo is one of the main industrial centers of the Val Pescara.


Like other recently founded centers in the Val Pescara, such as Scafa, Manoppello Scalo owes its birth and development to the presence of the railway, the highway, and the main communication routes of the region, combined with suitable spaces for industrial development.

Manoppello Scalo: industrial and commercial center of the Val Pescara.

Interporto d'Abruzzo

One of the most recent projects that has contributed to the development of the hamlet is the construction of the Interporto d'Abruzzo. The structure covers an area of ​​about 4 km and is one of the most important in the region. It is located next to the Torano-Pescara highway.


The hamlet of Manoppello Scalo is home to some monuments of great historical and artistic importance:

Infrastructure and transport

The Interporto d'Abruzzo was equipped with an A25 motorway junction in 2014 and a direct connection to the Rome-Sulmona-Pescara railway, through a railway connection of a total length of 10 km, of which 3.8 km are electrified. The hamlet is crossed by the Tiburtina state highway 5 Via Valeria and is connected to the capital Manoppello via the state highway 539 of Manoppello, which branches off from the Tiburtina.

Photo gallery

There is only one available image of the hamlet: Manoppello Scalo in the 1950s.


There are no notes available regarding Manoppello Scalo.

External links

On the website of the municipality of Manoppello, it is possible to find useful and interesting information about the hamlet of Manoppello Scalo.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Monday, Jan 31, 2022