San Barbato

Discovering San Barbato: A Brief Introduction

Welcome to San Barbato, the geographical hamlet of the municipality of Manocalzati in the province of Avellino. This medieval village was an autonomous municipality until 1869 and boasts of an important Lombard Castle of San Barbato that dominates the valley below. Let's discover together its history and monuments.

History of San Barbato

The origins of San Barbato can be traced back to the 7th/8th century and can be attributed to the Lombard influence in the area. The name of the hamlet itself pays homage to the Bishop of Benevento, San Barbato, who was venerated by the Lombard population for his conversion to Christianity. The Castle of San Barbato features characteristic elements of Lombard construction and a chapel dedicated to the Archangel Michael, equally revered by the Lombards. In 1146, there was already a settlement and there are traces of a territorial dispute between the lord of San Barbato Malfrido and the lord of Serra Piero.

Throughout the centuries, San Barbato has undergone various vicissitudes such as attacks from the troops of the Baron of Candida, Filippo Filangieri, in 1352, which caused fires and deaths. The Filangieri were feudal lords of the town until 1528, when the fiefdom passed to the Albertino and then the Gattola. In 1806 the feudal privileges were suppressed, and in 1867 the Baron Patrons Griffi acquired the property.

San Barbato: history, castle and treasures of the hamlet of Manocalzati.

The Castle of San Barbato

The Castle of San Barbato is one of the most important monuments of the hamlet. It is situated atop the hill and dominates the valley below. Its construction dates back to the 10th century and features typical Lombard architecture such as battlemented towers and walkways on the bastions. The castle underwent various restoration interventions throughout the centuries, but still retains its beauty and majesty. Today, it hosts cultural events and exhibitions.

The Library of the Territorial Abbey of Montevergine

In the hamlet of San Barbato, there is one of the most important libraries in the province of Avellino, the Library of the Territorial Abbey of Montevergine. Founded in 1100, it preserves a rich bibliographic and documentary heritage, including the parchment of 1146 that reports on the dispute between the lords of San Barbato and Serra. The library is open to the public and offers guided tours to discover its history and treasures.

Curiosities about San Barbato

San Barbato is a hamlet that offers much from a gastronomic point of view as well. Among the local specialties are handmade fusilli al ferro battuto by the inhabitants of the village, the podolico caciocavallo, a typical product of the area, and the local wine, Taurasi DOCG.

Furthermore, San Barbato has a special bond with popular music. Here, the folk group "La Quagliarella" is based, performing musical shows inside the castle and promoting the culture and traditions of the territory.


We have come to the end of our visit to San Barbato, the charming hamlet of Manocalzati. We have discovered its ancient history and the beauties of the Castle of San Barbato, the Library of the Territorial Abbey of Montevergine, and the local gastronomy. It remains to immerse ourselves in the magic of this unique place and discover everything it has to offer.

Francesco Serra
Updated Friday, Jan 13, 2023