
Welcome to the Province of Avellino!

Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about the Province of Avellino, a beautiful mountainous and hilly city located in the Campania region of Italy, with a population of almost 400,000 people.

Physical Geography

Discover the beauty of Avellino: mountains, lakes, and local cuisine!


The province is mostly mountainous and hilly, but not uniform. Some parts of the territory have plains and rolling hills, while others are more rocky and rugged. For example, in the northern and eastern sector of the province, we can find the presence of hilltop villages like Trevico, the highest town in the region, and a lower amount of rainfall compared to other areas. Instead, in the southern and western sectors, we find more rugged landscapes and calcareous mountains of significant elevation, as well as inhabited centers of valley floor and more abundant precipitation.


The main mountains include Cervialto, Terminio, Rajamagra, Acerone di Avella, Ciesco Bianco, Monte Calvello, Partenio, Pizzo San Michele, Vallatrone, and Porca delle Pere. Additionally, we cannot forget the famous Montevergine, a sacred site located on the mountains near Mercogliano.


Among the rivers, the most important is Calore Irpino, which originates from Mount Accelica and joins the Volturno River. Other watercourses include Sabato, Ufita, Ofanto, Cervaro, Miscano, and Sele.


The Province of Avellino has few natural lakes. The most important is Laceno Lake, once much larger than today. Other natural lakes include Luza Aquafets, located in the high valley of Cervaro in Greci.

What to visit

The Province of Avellino has many wonderful places to visit. First of all, we cannot fail to mention the Montevergine Sanctuary, which represents an important center of religious devotion for local residents and tourists. Additionally, it's possible to find many ancient churches and interesting museums, such as the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Avellino and the Archaeological Civic Museum of Terme di Serino.

But the province also offers natural beauties, such as the National Park of Cilento Vallo di Diano and Alburni, where you can admire magnificent green landscapes, forests, and wonderful beaches. Moreover, the most adventurous can enjoy activities such as excursions, trekking, and winter sports such as skiing.


The Province of Avellino is famous for its delicious and flavorful cuisine. One of the most famous dishes is pasta and beans, made with borlotti beans and guanciale. Additionally, there are famous meat dishes such as Avellinese sausage and San Giovanni salami.

Another popular local dish is fried pizza, very different from traditional Neapolitan pizza. Instead of being baked in the oven, it's fried in boiling oil and stuffed with ingredients such as tomatoes, mozzarella, ricotta, and cicoli.


The Province of Avellino is a hidden gem in Campania, with wonderful natural beauties, important historical sites, and delicious local cuisine. If you're visiting Italy, don't hesitate to discover this incredible province and let yourself be surprised by its unique beauty. Thank you for reading this brief virtual trip to the Province of Avellino. See you soon!

Francesco Serra
Updated Friday, Jan 13, 2023