
The Abbey of Santa Maria di Maniace

The Abbey of Santa Maria di Maniace is a historic building located on the border between the municipalities of Bronte and Maniace, in the province of Catania. It is a religious complex that has crossed centuries of history and has now been turned into a museum.

History of the Abbey

The name of the abbey derives from the Byzantine general George Maniakes, sent to Sicily by Emperor Michael IV the Paphlagonian in 1038. In 1040, Maniakes fought Muslim troops in this location, thus causing a bloody clash that would color the nearby river with red. After his victory, Maniakes built a small cenobium in honor of Santa Maria, to whom he would offer an Icon painted by Saint Luke the Evangelist.

The cenobium declined over the years, but in 1172, Queen Margherita of Navarre and Sicily founded an abbey of the Order of Saint Benedict dedicated to Santa Maria. The abbey grew in importance over the years, thanks to the remarkable wealth derived from agricultural revenues.

Over time, the abbey passed under the management of various personalities, some of whom, like Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia (future Pope Alexander VI), did not ensure attentive management.

The Abbey of Santa Maria di Maniace: history and museumization

The Donation to General Horatio Nelson

In 1799, King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies donated the abbey and its vast estate to General Horatio Nelson, in gratitude for suppressing the Neapolitan Republic and saving the kingdom. From that moment, the abbey took the name of Ducea di Nelson, Castello di Nelson, Ducea di Maniace, or Castello Maniaci di Bronte.

The Museum

Today, the Abbey of Santa Maria di Maniace has been turned into a museum and represents a place of great historical and cultural interest. Numerous archaeological finds are present, among which the tombs of some dignitaries of the abbey and the underground crypt stand out. The complex also hosts cultural events and temporary exhibitions.

Visiting the Abbey

The Abbey of Santa Maria di Maniace is open to the public and can be visited all year round. Visitors can admire the halls of the ducal residence, the monumental atrium, the church, and the cloister, which preserve ancient frescoes and decorations. There will also be pleasant surprises, such as the underground crypt with the tombs of bishops and an inviting tasting of excellent local products.


The Abbey of Santa Maria di Maniace is a place of great historical and cultural interest, which represents one of the main points of reference for the culture and history of the province of Catania. Visiting this place can be a unique and exciting experience, full of charm and history, which is worth living and remembering forever.

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Friday, May 13, 2022