
Malito: a small municipality in the Savuto Valley

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Malito, the municipality where I live. It is a small town located in the province of Cosenza, with only 764 inhabitants. Malito is situated in the middle of the Savuto Valley, surrounded by other municipalities such as Belsito and Grimaldi. One of the features of the Malito area is the presence of Mount Serratore, which is one of the highest peaks in the Paolana Chain.

A society in evolution

Like every municipality, Malito has experienced years of demographic change. In recent decades, in fact, the number of inhabitants has decreased, but there is still a strong community of Malitesi who make their voices heard. There are several associations and groups active in the town, which organize patron saint festivals, sports tournaments, and other activities to involve residents.

Malito: a small villa in the Savuto Valley.

Transportation and infrastructure

Malito is connected to other cities and municipalities in the area through some main roads. In particular, there are two routes that cross the Malito area and allow you to reach nearby towns of Belsito and Grimaldi. If you have a car, you will have no problem moving from Malito to other towns and cities in the area.


The mayor of Malito is Dr. Francesco De Rosa and was elected in 2018 with the civic list "Malito 4.0". The mayor and the local administration are responsible for managing the municipality, dealing with services such as waste management, road maintenance, and the promotion of the territory.

Conclusions and Connections

So, that's my summary of Malito. Even though it is a small municipality, it has its history, culture, and present and active community. If you happen to come around these parts, perhaps to visit the nearby city of Cosenza or to admire the natural beauty of the Savuto Valley, don't hesitate to make a stop in Malito. For further information on the municipality, you can consult the Wikipedia page (at the link I have included in the "External Connections" section). See you soon!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Saturday, Aug 13, 2022