Welcome to Malegno!
Hi everyone! Today I will talk to you about Malegno, an Italian municipality with a population of 1935 located in the province of Brescia, Lombardy.

Physical Geography
Malegno is located on the right bank of the Oglio river and is crossed by the Lanico stream. The state road 42 del Tonale and della Mendola crosses the municipality, providing access to the road to Altipiano del Sole and to Cividate Camuno.
If you are curious about the climate in Malegno, data from the Breno meteorological station tells us that the average temperature of the coldest month, January, is -1.0°C, while that of the warmest month, July, is +20.5°C.
Origins of the Name
According to some scholars, the name Malegno may derive from the terms "agn" (water) and "mal" (mountain).
Malegno originated from two nuclei: Malegno and Lanico. In the municipality's territory, traces of ancient human activities can be admired, including the two stele statues, called "di Bagnolo", located west of Malegno.
In the 11th century, the Hospice was founded, entrusted to the Benedictine monastery of S.Faustino in Brescia by the bishop of Brescia Ramperto.
The first mention of Malegno dates back to 1156 on the occasion of a brawl between the inhabitants of Lozio and Borno who clashed in the municipality during a procession to Cividate Camuno.
In the past, Malegno was a Guelph and Ghibelline town. In 1423 the bishop of Brescia invested Feudatario with the rights of tithe in the territories of Monno, Cevo, Andrista, Paisco Loveno, Saviore dell'Adamello, Cemmo, Ono San Pietro, Sonico, Astrio, Malegno, Cortenedolo, Vione, Incudine, and Berzo Demo by Bertolino della Torre of Cemmo. In 1580, Carlo Borromeo stayed with the Bonettini family of Malegno and reproached the parish priest Don Bernardino Blanco for the quarrels between his parishioners. In 1758, the waters of the Lanico flooded the town.
Between 1928 and 1947, Malegno was united with Cividate Camuno in the municipality of Cividate Malegno.
Local Feudatories
The families that obtained the Diocese of Brescia in the settlement of Malegno are the Della Torr family from 1496.
The symbol of Malegno is a coat of arms consisting of a lowered head on a blue field, with an open stone sheepfold, windowed and walled in black, covered with slate tiles with the opening on the right. The emblem also features a natural lamb, symbol of the religious order of the Humiliati.
Monuments and Places of Interest
Religious Architecture
The churches of Malegno are perfect for a cultural visit. The church of Sant'Andrea Apostolo was erected between 1706 and 1709 and is made of white marble.
I hope this brief account has shown you a little more about Malegno. Do not hesitate to visit this picturesque and rich in history Italian municipality. Thank you for reading!