
Welcome to Malagnino!

If you're looking for a peaceful Italian town, Malagnino might be the perfect choice. With just over 1,700 inhabitants, this municipality in the province of Cremona offers a relaxed atmosphere and a high quality of life. In this summary, we will talk about the city's characteristics, its geography, infrastructure and transportation, as well as its demographic evolution.


Malagnino: the quiet town in the province of Cremona.

Demographic evolution

As mentioned earlier, Malagnino has just over 1,700 inhabitants. The population of the city has remained relatively stable in recent years, with no significant increase or decrease. Most residents are of Italian origin, but there are also people from other European countries.

Anthropogenic geography

Malagnino includes several inhabited villages and locations, including San Giacomo Lovera and San Michele. In addition, there are several small communities scattered throughout the territory, such as Bonfia, Cà de Marozzi, Cà degli Alemanni, Casal Malombra, Casella, Casella Nuova, Cassinetto, Cervellara, Fornace, Malagnina, Malongola, Ronchetto, Ronco, Santa Lucia Lama, Sette Pozzi, Vigolo, Villa Ripari and Visnadello. Each small community has its own identity and history.

Infrastructure and transportation

The transportation system in Malagnino is limited but efficient. Until 1954, the city was served by a tram station from Cremona to Casalmaggiore, which allowed residents to easily reach other cities in the province. Today, transport options are limited to bus and pre-booked taxi services. However, thanks to the city's location, it is easy to reach other destinations by car or train.


If you decide to visit Malagnino, it is important to keep in mind that it is a very quiet place with little nightlife. Don't expect to find a lively nightlife in these areas, but you can enjoy the beauty of the Italian countryside and take long walks or bike rides.


If you want to learn more about the history of the city, we recommend consulting the books by Piermassimo Ghidotti and Valerio Ferrari and Liliana Ruggeri on the Cremonese countryside and the toponymy of Malagnino.

Related articles

To learn more about the city and surrounding areas, it may be useful to take a look at related articles such as the Villetta Malagnino station, Cà de' Marozzi, and Sette Pozzi.

Other projects

For further information about the city, you can visit the official website of the Municipality of Malagnino. We hope we have given you a complete overview of this fascinating Italian city and invite everyone to discover its unique charm.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Jan 29, 2022