Magnano in Riviera

Magnano in Riviera: a welcoming and picturesque Friulian municipality

Magnano in Riviera is a small Italian municipality in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, with a population of approximately 2,274 inhabitants. Located on a territory ranging from 189 to 475 meters above sea level, Magnano in Riviera offers an impressive panoramic view.

Physical geography

The municipality's territory covers an area of 286 meters and includes a wide range of lands at different altitudes, generating a remarkable variety of flora and fauna.

Magnano in Riviera: a picturesque Friulian municipality.


The municipality of Magnano in Riviera has undergone a series of administrative transformations over the years. Until 1818, the capital of the municipality was Magnano, while Billerio was a subdivision. However, the situation was reversed in the following decade, when the municipality was named Billerio and Magnano became a subdivision. It was only in 1828 that Magnano was reinstated as the capital of the municipality.

Symbols and Honors

The coat of arms and flag of Magnano in Riviera were granted by decree of the President of the Republic in 1979. The flag is a white and yellow split banner and is used during official celebrations of the municipality.


Magnano in Riviera is a welcoming community with a population of approximately 2,274 people. The inhabitants are divided into 913 families, with an average of 2.51 members per family. Alongside Italian, the population also uses Eastern Central Friulian.


The municipality of Magnano in Riviera hosts several industrial activities, including some specialized in the production of wooden artifacts. There are also numerous service and administrative activities that provide employment to the local population. Overall, approximately 35.75% of the municipality's population is employed.


The municipality of Magnano in Riviera is administered by the mayor elected by the local population. There are also Council Commissions and Councilors who support the Mayor in administrative decisions.


Magnano in Riviera suffered extensive damage during the Friuli earthquake of 1976. However, thanks to the commitment of the municipality's administrators and local citizens, the town was rapidly rebuilt.

Related articles

Magnano in Riviera is part of the Montane Community of Torre, Natisone, and Collio, a vast mountainous area located in northeastern Italy.

External links

Information about the municipality of Magnano in Riviera can be found on the official website of the municipality.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Saturday, Jul 16, 2022