
Welcome to Magliolo: a natural treasure in Liguria

Hello friends! Welcome to Magliolo, a picturesque municipality in the province of Savona in Liguria, with a population of about 940 inhabitants. Magliolo is also known as "Maggiêu" in the Ligurian language. Today, I will take you on a virtual journey through the natural beauty of the area, which will surely leave you breathless!

Discover the physical geography

The village extends along the Maremola in the homonymous valley, which flows into the sea at Pietra Ligure. The source of the Maremola is located at an altitude of 650 meters above sea level and the river has a total length of 14.80 km. The valley is fishy and until a few decades ago, it was a natural habitat for the common otter.

The municipal territory has an altitudinal range that goes from 100 to 1,335 meters above sea level. The predominant vegetation around Magliolo is typical of the Mediterranean scrub, which gradually mixes with the alpine one. Here, there is the only case in Europe of an area where three different biogeographic regions meet: the Mediterranean, the Alpine, and the Continental region. This makes it a real biodiversity laboratory. In the area, it is possible to observe numerous wild animals, such as birds of prey, wild boars, wolves, and other mammals.

Magliolo: a treasure trove of biodiversity in Liguria.

Explore the extraordinary fauna and flora

Magliolo is a real natural paradise. Many wild animals live in the woods, and among the most reported mammals, there are stoats, Martes foina, Mustela putorius, Erinaceus europaeus, squirrels, wild cats, foxes, hares, wild boars, deer, and roe deer. In the various forests surrounding Magliolo, there are numerous chestnut groves and mushrooms.

The municipal territory is also a karstic area with dolomite rock outcrops and interesting caves such as the Grotta degli Scogli Neri. Furthermore, there are many nature trails that extend up to the Melogno hill and are also connected to the Ligurian Mountains High Trail.

The area is a continental-mountain environment of considerable interest, also hosting alpine plant species at the limit of their geographical distribution. The Ligurian Sea to the south blends with the mountains and the sky, offering a breathtaking scenery. Furthermore, you can admire the Rocca Cucca, a mountain located more than 800 meters above sea level, which dominates the fraction of Magliolo.

The great ecological interest of the area

The great ecological interest of the area is demonstrated by the presence of a Site of Community Importance - Site of Community Importance Monte Carmo di Loano-monte Settepani and a provincial protected area. Here, nature has been preserved thanks to a balanced environmental management with the presence of humans for many centuries.

Celebrate with us

In addition to the variety of nature, there is much more to do in Magliolo. Events are organized here to celebrate with the inhabitants of the municipality. For example, on June 13, Saint Anthony of Padua is celebrated, and on June 21 there is the Focaccia Festival, an event that celebrates the traditional cuisine. During the summer, there is also the Beer Festival, an opportunity to taste the excellent local breweries.


In conclusion, Magliolo is a natural treasure, an uncontaminated oasis of biodiversity. A perfect place for those who love nature and trekking, but also for those who want to enjoy a peaceful vacation in a suggestive natural setting. We look forward to welcoming you to Magliolo!

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Saturday, Apr 30, 2022