Magliano Sabina

Welcome to Magliano Sabina: a place rich in history

If you are looking for a place rich in history, culture, and natural beauty, then Magliano Sabina is the perfect destination for you! This Italian municipality of 3,486 inhabitants, located in the province of Rieti in Lazio, is geographically situated in the Tiber Valley, between Lazio and Umbria. The town is located at an altitude of 222 meters on a river terrace of the Tiber, surrounded by hills and mountains. In this article, we want to share with you the history and curiosities of this beautiful municipality.

Magliano Sabina: history, art, and culinary traditions.

Physical geography


The territory of Magliano Sabina is characterized by hilly and mountainous terrain, which precedes the Subapennine range (Mount Cosce and Mount Rosaro, now called Mount San Pancrazio). The Campana torrent or "Aia di Campana" flows between the hills of Cicignano and Collesala, where it marks the border of the municipal area. The eponymous valley and the ancient Campana road connected the Tiber, where the torrent flows into the river. The Aia (torrent), coming from Poggio Sommavilla, flows into the Tiber, approximately opposite the Treja river mouth near Foglia (Magliano Sabina).


The climate of Magliano Sabina is classified as zone D, with an average of 1769 GR/G.


Magliano Sabina has been inhabited since ancient times. The territory was initially covered by the sea, then by a lake called Tiberino. In the Pliocene epoch, the current hills emerged, where worked obsidians and flints indicate the appearance of man. The necropolises of Giglio, San Biagio, Castellano, and Collicello show finds of an archaic village. Rural villas from the Republican and Imperial period are scattered throughout the territory, while a settlement in the Tiber Valley, called Catiliano, testifies to the Roman conquest.

After the Gothic-Byzantine War, the Lombards occupy Catiliano and settle in the place called Malliano (8th century), where the churches of Santa Eugenia and San Giovenale (817) are located. Here, the first urban nucleus was born, which suffered from the Saracen raids from 876 to 913. To defend themselves, the fortress of Santa Eugenia was built. In the 12th century, Magliano was already a well-fortified and important fortress, so much so that in 1155 it hosted Pope Adrian IV and Frederick Barbarossa, and was subject to the papacy. In 1278, the inhabitants numbered about 1,500. During this period, it clashed with Narni, with which it established a friendship pact. In 1311, the Senator of Rome, Ludovico di Savoia, subjugated Magliano to the Roman Municipality.

In the 15th century, thanks to the river port, Magliano enjoyed substantial wealth. Pope Alexander VI (1495) elected Magliano as the seat of the Sabina Diocese and bestowed on it the title of city. On January 26, 1593, Gabriele Paleotti established the Sabine Seminary, and there were seven parish churches, several convents, and a hospitality institute. It had about 3,500 inhabitants. The construction of Ponte Felice (1598-1623), wanted by Pope Sixtus V, eliminated the river port, a source of wealth, but the deviation of the Tiber for the bridge construction generated stagnant waters, which spread epidemics. Magliano embarked on widespread misery.

In 1600, Magliano Sabina was considered a very weak and poor city: "This city, nowadays due to the miseries of the times, has greatly declined from its ancient splendor, and has little honor left, except that of the Episcopal Throne. The territory is not very fertile, nor is it very cultivated due to the scarcity of the population."

Monuments and places of interest

Santa Eugenia Fortress

The Santa Eugenia Fortress, dating back to the 12th century, is a symbol of Magliano Sabina's history. Built to defend against Saracen incursions, the castle has been renovated several times over the centuries. Today, it hosts cultural events, exhibitions, and shows.

Church of Santa Maria Assunta

The Church of Santa Maria Assunta, dating back to the 18th century, is located in Piazza del Popolo, in the center of the town. The church is characterized by its baroque façade and contains numerous works of art.

Ponte Felice

Ponte Felice, built between the 16th and 17th centuries, is one of the most important bridges in Lazio. This bridge, wanted by Pope Sixtus V, allowed crossing the Tiber, making communication between the south and north of the city possible.

Tomb of the Altar

The Tomb of the Altar is an imposing structure dating back to the Bronze Age (13th century BC). This tholos tomb, located between Civita Castellana and Magliano Sabina, has been the subject of many archaeological investigations and represents one of the most important monuments of ancient Sabina.

Events and traditions

In Magliano Sabina, there are numerous events and traditions worth discovering. One of these events is the Palio delle Contrade, a foot race held every year on June 13, in honor of Saint Anthony of Padua, the patron saint of the town. The districts of Magliano participate in the race, which takes place in Piazza del Popolo, and the winner is awarded a banner.

Another festival very dear to the citizens is the Feast of Saint Joseph, held every year on March 19. On this day, the figure of St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, is celebrated, and various activities take place, including solemn Mass, a costume parade, and the tasting of local specialties.

What to eat in Magliano Sabina

Magliano Sabina's cuisine is characterized by a great variety of dishes, using local and seasonal ingredients. One of the most famous traditional Sabina dishes is porchetta, a roast pork stuffed with aromas and herbs.

Another local specialty is crescia, a focaccia made with corn flour, cooked in a wood-fired oven, and filled with sausage, cheese, and vegetables. Among the first courses, the most famous is pasta alla gricia, a simple but tasty dish made with pasta, guanciale, and pecorino.


In conclusion, Magliano Sabina is a jewel of Lazio, a municipality rich in history and traditions. From ancient Roman settlements to the medieval fortress, from natural beauties to traditional cuisine, there are a thousand reasons to visit this municipality. Discover the beauty of Magliano Sabina and be enchanted by its history and traditions!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Saturday, Jun 4, 2022