Magliano di Tenna

Discovering Magliano di Tenna: The small medieval town in Marche

Magliano di Tenna, a small town in Marche, is a place rich in history and culture, and retains the typical atmosphere of medieval towns. With its 1428 inhabitants, this town, nicknamed "Majà" in the local dialect, fascinates visitors with its city walls, towers and silent alleys.


According to oral tradition, the town was founded by a captain of fortune, Mayano. The castle of Magliano is mentioned for the first time in 1030, but its foundation is uncertain. It was contested for its strategic position between Montegiorgio and Fermo until it returned under the dominion of the latter in 1416.

During the Napoleonic occupation, Magliano was part of the "Cantone" of Montegiorgio. After the fall of Napoleon, Marche returned to be part of the Papal State until the Unification of Italy. The population was mainly engaged in agriculture, but since the 1960s, it has seen the growth of the industrial sector and the birth of shoe factories and plastic processing plants.

Magliano di Tenna: The medieval village between history and gastronomy.

Monuments and places of interest

The artistic heritage of Magliano di Tenna is mainly represented by its religious monuments. The Church of San Gregorio, built on the ruins of a previous structure, dates back to 1700 and has some canvases by the Ricci brothers from Fermo, Litterio Ricciardelli from Messina, and pupils of Gandolfi.

How to reach Magliano di Tenna

Magliano di Tenna is located in the province of Fermo, in an area rich in history, culture and traditions. It is possible to reach it by car or bus, departing from the main cities of the Adriatic coast. The municipality also has a railway station on the Porto San Giorgio-Fermo line, which connects the town with the sea.

Events and traditions

Magliano di Tenna is famous for its Cicerchia Festival, held every year at the end of July. Cicerchia is a legume that was once widespread in Marche, but is now less used. The festival includes a great food festival where you can taste many dishes based on this legume, such as cicerchia soup, beans with pork rind, chicken cacciatore and legume soups.

Another tradition that is celebrated in Magliano is that of Carnival, which includes the parade of floats and masked groups, animating the town with their enthusiasm.


The cuisine of Magliano di Tenna offers a series of traditional dishes, among which the standout are cappelletti alla maglianese and cicerchia soup. Cappelletti are a kind of pasta stuffed with chicken meat and roasted in the oven. Cicerchia soup is prepared with pork meat, onions and bacon.

Among the other typical dishes of the area, you can taste vincisgrassi, a lasagna with meat sauce, and "olive all'ascolana", olives stuffed with meat and then fried. Don't forget ciauscolo, a sausage made of pork meat and garlic, and Monti Sibillini pecorino, a semi-hard cheese.


Magliano di Tenna is a suggestive and welcoming place that still retains its medieval atmosphere. The beauty of its architectures and surroundings, its millenary history, and its gastronomic traditions make this town a treasure chest to discover. If you plan to visit Marche, don't forget to make a stop at Majà and discover all its cultural and culinary heritage.

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Thursday, Feb 2, 2023