Magliano Alpi

Magliano Alpi: a small agricultural center near Mondovì

Magliano Alpi is a Piedmontese municipality located in the province of Cuneo, with a population of 2166 inhabitants. Divided into three hamlets: Magliano Soprano, San Giuseppe, and Magliano Sottano, each has its own church with unique architecture. The following text will discuss the physical geography of the municipality, its history, and the traditions and events that characterize Magliano Alpi. Additionally, an overview will be provided on the society, its infrastructure, and transportation.

Physical Geography

Magliano Alpi is divided into two completely distinct territorial units: the northern part and the southern part. The northern part, bordering the municipality of Mondovì and hosting the town hall, is located at an altitude of 420 m. The southern part, on the other hand, almost completely uninhabited, is located near the Ligurian Alps, delimited by the towns of Ormea, Frabosa Soprana, and Prato Nevoso. The two territorial hamlets are about 50 km apart. The peculiarity of the village is due to the fact that its jurisdiction extends over the lands where the Magliano population obtained the right to graze livestock in the past. Within the municipal territory, there are the peaks of Raschera, Marguareis Alps (2435 m), and Marguareis Alps. There are also three small lakes named after the mountains in question.

Magliano Alpi: history, traditions and geography of a Piedmontese municipality.


With a decree of July 14, 1698, Duke Vittorio Amedeo II of Savoy approved the dismemberment of the Mondovì District and constituted thirteen new municipalities the following year, including Magliano Alpi. In 1992, elementary schools and a nursery were built, renovated in 2004 when a gym was also built, owned by the municipality. In 2005, the Magliano Alpi artisans group prepared a 1,020-meter salami sandwich, thus entering the Guinness World Records. In 2008, the Nomadi musical group performed in Magliano Alpi for the “open dumps” day.

Traditions and events

The “Fiera del Mandriano” (“Fèra del marghé” in Piedmontese) is held around mid-October. On this occasion, the herds return from the mountains and are welcomed in the village. Local typical products are tasted, and the return of the herds is celebrated. Additionally, an exposition is held. In the first week of July, preparations are underway for the Summer Festival where the arrival of summer and the Madonna del Carmine, patron saint of the village, are celebrated.


Demographic Evolution

Ethnic and Foreign Minorities

According to the data from the National Institute of Statistics, as of December 31, 2017, foreign citizens residing in Magliano Alpi were 164, divided by the following nationalities:

Morocco, 81

Romania, 50

Infrastructure and transport

Magliano Alpi is served by the Magliano-Crava-Morozzo railway station, located along the Turin-Fossano-Savona railway and served by regional trains operated by Trenitalia as part of the service contract signed with the Piedmont Region. The city is located near the Strada Statale 28 del Colle di Nava. Between 1884 and 1939, this road was traveled by the Fossano-Mondovì-Villanova tramway track and had one of its stations in Magliano.

In summary, Magliano Alpi is a Piedmontese rural municipality that spans two distinct territorial units. The municipality boasts elementary schools and a nursery that were renovated in 2004. The traditions and events that characterize it are the Fiera del Mandriano, which is celebrated in mid-October and the Summer Festival, which is held in the first week of July. The municipality is also inhabited by a number of foreigners, the majority of whom come from Morocco and Romania. Magliano Alpi is served by a Trenitalia railway station and the Strada Statale 28.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Monday, Oct 3, 2022