
Welcome to Luzzi, the comune in the Crati Valley

Hello! Welcome to Luzzi, a comune located in the Crati Valley in the province of Cosenza, Calabria, Italy. With a population of 8668 inhabitants, Luzzi is located on the Presila range, on the right side of the Crati Valley. It is a comune adjoining the urban area of Cosenza, of which it represents the north-eastern territorial and urbanistic framework.

Physical geography

Luzzi is situated on a hill, at the foot of which flow two streams, "Ilice" and "San Francesco", which converge downstream in the Crati River. The town center is located at 376 meters above sea level and is located north-east of Cosenza. The municipal territory is articulated on an altimetric profile between 96 and 1284 m above sea level.

Explore Luzzi and the Crati Valley: Mediterranean climate, history, and Southern Italian hospitality.


The climate of Luzzi is generally Mediterranean. The peculiarity of the Luzzi climate, similar to the rest of the Crati Valley, lies in the almost total absence of the influence of the sea on the temperature, which causes wide temperature fluctuations especially in the valley area throughout the year. In summer, temperatures can reach 37-38 °C, but also 40 °C and above in areas at low altitude. Snow is a phenomenon that affects the town center at least once a year, between December and March. The mountainous areas can benefit from excellent snowfalls between November and April.


The city of Luzzi has a long and interesting history. It is presumed to arise in the place of the ancient ''Tebe Lucana'' founded in the 4th century BCE. Luzzi, attested in the documents of the 13th century as ''castrum Lucii in Valle Gratis,'' owes its name, with great probability, to the Norman family of surname de Luci, Lucij or de Luciis accompanying Robert Guiscard, who possessed it as a fief. According to others, the name could derive from the "Esox lucius", a fish that populated the Ilice stream that flows south of the village, but this hypothesis does not exclude the previous one.

Since 1272, the ''castrum Lucii'' or castle of Luzzi, appears to be in possession of the "milites" Matteo de Luciis or de Luzzi, whose family a few years earlier was expropriated of all assets and sent into exile to Malta for having participated in the conspiracy of the barons (1246) against Frederick II of Swabia. Pope Innocent IV restored the property to Pietro de Luciis, already lord of Bisignano and his sons, including Matteo, ''Domino Mattheo de Luciis castrum Lucii restitutum'', who was in those years lord of Luzzi.


So, what are you waiting for to come to Luzzi and visit the marvelous Crati Valley? We are waiting for you with the warmth and hospitality typical of the people of Southern Italy. You can enjoy a Mediterranean climate, admire the natural beauties of the area or discover the history of Luzzi through various architectural testimonies. Moreover, you will always be welcome to savor the local cuisine with its famous dishes based on pork meat (such as 'nduja) and pecorino cheeses. We will make you feel right at home!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Thursday, Jan 6, 2022