
Discovering Laverda: a small mountain town

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about a small mountain town located in the province of Vicenza, Laverda. If you are a nature lover and enjoy peaceful places, this is the perfect place for you!

Physical geography

Laverda is located in one of the valleys that connect the Altipiano dei Sette Comuni to the plain, and is crossed by the homonymous stream. The town spans three municipalities: Lusiana Conco, Salcedo, and Marostica. The borders of the town are marked by two streams that come down from the mountains to the north, while to the south flows the Làverda stream that flows into the plain of Mason Vicentino.

Laverda: nature, history and tradition in the mountains.

History of Laverda

The history of Laverda dates back to the Middle Ages when its territory was covered by a dense forest and was uninhabited. Over time, the feudal lords of the area wanted to cultivate the lands of the Altipiano dei Sette Comuni, taking them away from the wild forest. One of the first documents to mention the name Làverda dates back to 1262.

The Parish of Santa Maria Maddalena

The town is identified by its parish dedicated to Santa Maria Maddalena. The church is located just north of the confluence of the valleys and is part of the municipality of Lusiana. The parish represents one of the reference points for the local community, and numerous events take place inside the church.

Become an explorer in Laverda

If you decide to visit Laverda, you cannot miss the opportunity to explore its valleys. The Ponte and Santa Caterina valleys will offer you magnificent walks among flowers and ancient trees. You could also indulge in some sports activities such as trekking, mountain biking, or climbing.

The beauty of this town does not only lie in its nature, but also in the architecture of the houses, which has remained intact over time. Furthermore, Laverda is an excellent destination even for food lovers. You can taste typical Venetian dishes such as polenta or gnocchi.

Laverda is truly the ideal place to spend a peaceful day immersed in nature. If you happen to be in the area, do not hesitate to visit this small mountain town. We are sure you won't be disappointed!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Saturday, Feb 26, 2022