
Luserna, the municipality in the province of Trento

Hello everyone, today we're talking about Luserna, a municipality in the enchanting Magnifica Comunità degli Altipiani cimbri of Trento, just a few kilometres from the Vezzena pass. Luserna has only 271 inhabitants, but it is a very special and fascinating place. Not only is it one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, but it is also a Cimbrian linguistic island, which means a linguistic minority that has preserved its traditions and language, even though it is now closely linked to the territory of Trentino Alto Adige.

Physical geography

Luserna is located in the southeastern part of the Magnifica Comunità degli Altipiani cimbrici. Thanks to its proximity to the Vezzena pass, we are just a few steps away from the Lavarone plateau. We are surrounded by nature, in an enchanted environment that gives us breathtaking views.

Luserna: a pearl among the Dolomites of Trentino


Heirs of ancient colonizers

The history of Luserna dates back to ancient times: archaeological excavations testify to human presence already in prehistoric times. In the Middle Ages, the territory was colonized by Germanic peoples from the Episcopal Principality of Trento Federico Vanga, who arrived on these mountains for logging and pastoralism. The population grew more and more, reaching around 20,000 inhabitants in the seventeenth century.

Cimbri on the plateaus

The ancient traditions of the colonizers have left a strong imprint on the community of Luserna, still today. The Cimbrian language has always attracted intellectuals and experts in various fields, and is kept alive thanks to the legends passed down from generation to generation. One of these legends tells of the origin of the German-speaking population, attributing it to the Cimbri people, who would have come from Jutland in Denmark to invade Italy, but were defeated by the Roman army led by Gaius Marius. The population that escaped the defeat would have retreated to the mountains of the Asiago plateau, giving rise to the Cimbrian population.

The second hypothesis, supported in the nineteenth century thanks to the discovery of a document dated 1083 AD, sees the origin of the Cimbri in groups mainly from the Bavarian-Tyrolese linguistic area, who descended into southern Italy around the year one thousand. These groups of cultivators and lumberjacks were called "roncadores" and initially arrived in the areas of the Tredici Comuni Veronesi, thanks to a form of autonomy granted by Cangrande della Scala.

Luserna, twinned with Tiefenbach in Lower Bavaria, is a small pearl of the Dolomites in Trentino, rich in traditions and fascinating legends.


Luserna is a very special place that conquers you with its magical atmosphere and its friendly and welcoming people. It's not to be missed if you find yourself in the Dolomites of Trentino, to discover a different but fascinating history and culture.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Sunday, Sep 4, 2022