
A country immersed in natural beauty

Hello friends, today I will tell you about Lugnacco, a small Italian municipality with only 346 inhabitants located in Val di Chy, in the metropolitan city of Turin, Piedmont.

This country is located in a very peculiar geographic position: it is surrounded by vast pastures, dense woods, and terraced vineyards that characterize its landscape.

The central point of the village is the "Cappella del Carmine" and the "Torre Campanaria," next to ancient farms that tell the story of the ancient town. Those who love history can find many curiosities here, but the real spectacle is represented by the beauty of the surrounding nature.

A country with an important history

Lugnacco, described so far as a country immersed in nature, does not neglect its history. In fact, the small residential nucleus is rich in historical evidence that speaks of its importance in past centuries.

One of these is the parish church of "Purification of the Virgin Mary," one of the oldest religious testimonies in Valchiusella. This sacred place was built on the remains of a pagan temple, and its bell tower, which protrudes from the facade, is made of Romanesque stone and is dated back to the 11th century.

Lugnacco: Nature and History in Piedmont.

Society and administration

In the past, Lugnacco has long been an autonomous municipality. Still, since January 1st, 2019, it merged with the municipalities of Alice Superiore and Pecco to form the new municipality of Val di Chy.

The merger was voted by the inhabitants of the three municipalities with over 67% of the votes. It is essential to know that the municipality was part of the Val Chiusella, Valle Sacra, and Dora Baltea Canavesana mountain community.

Discovering Lugnacco: between nature and history

In this text, I have told you about Lugnacco, a village located in Piedmont, in the metropolitan city of Turin. A place that tells its history in every corner and amazes for its natural beauty.

Here you will find a landscape that will leave you speechless: vast pastures, dense woods, and vineyards that characterize its nature. Lugnacco will conquer you with its ancient architecture, its Romanesque church, and its places of historical interest.

I invite you to deepen your knowledge of this unique place and discover it in person, among the beauties of nature and the history it tells. Lugnacco is waiting for you!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Wednesday, Aug 24, 2022