Lozzo di Cadore

Welcome to Lozzo di Cadore

Hello everyone! Today I will take you on a journey to discover Lozzo di Cadore, a small and charming municipality located in Veneto. With only 1258 inhabitants, Lozzo di Cadore represents a delightful stop for those who are looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and want to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of an authentic and suggestive landscape.

Let's discover the physical geography of Lozzo di Cadore

Lozzo di Cadore is located in the center of Cadore, in the upper valley of the Piave River. One of the most interesting places in the area is the splendid natural terrace of Pian dei Buoi (also called ''la Monte de Sovergna'' or simply ''la Monte''). It is an alpine pasture at an altitude of 1800 m that, in the past, constituted the main source of sustenance for the local population.

Lozzo di Cadore: discover the history and nature of the Venetian municipality.

Origins and history of Lozzo di Cadore

Many scholars have tried to discover the origins of the name Lozzo di Cadore. Some think it derives from the ancient Roman name ''Lucio'', while others believe it has to do with the light signals that were used in the past to warn of the arrival of invaders. For others, the name would derive from ''luteum'' "swampy place", or from ''lucus'' "sacred forest".

Lozzo di Cadore represents a protohistoric and historical center of fundamental importance, as demonstrated by the numerous finds discovered in recent decades. In particular, remains of tombs and ossuaries containing burnt bones, helmets, swords, fibulae and Roman coins have been found.

Lozzo di Cadore: an important military strategic center

The territory of Lozzo di Cadore was strategic from a military point of view, thanks to the presence of important communication routes. To the north of the town, near the sanctuary of Madonna di Loreto, traces of a Roman road are still visible. In addition, in the Treponti area (Vigo di Cadore), the ancient road that connected Cadore to Carnia through the Mauria pass began.

The nature of the territory, rich in water resources and fertile, with a less rigid climate than the rest of Cadore, favored the development of the settlement.

Lozzo di Cadore today

Today, Lozzo di Cadore continues to be a delightful place where nature offers enchanting landscapes and traditions that are still deeply rooted. Among the most important monuments in the municipality are the church of San Nicolò, the Romanesque bell tower of the church of San Giovanni Battista, the chapel of San Rocco and the Crotta Castle.

Lozzo di Cadore is also a perfect place for skiing enthusiasts, thanks to the nearby Cortina d'Ampezzo ski area, a real winter paradise. In addition, in summer, it is possible to practice trekking, climbing, mountain biking and many other outdoor sports.

In conclusion, Lozzo di Cadore is a municipality that does not disappoint the expectations of those who visit Cadore. Its history, nature and traditions make it a small treasure in the heart of the Dolomites.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Monday, Feb 7, 2022