Loro Piceno

Loro Piceno: a hidden treasure in the hills of Marche

Loro Piceno is a small municipality located in the hills of Marche, known for producing high-quality cooked wine. However, this town has much more to offer, with its millennial history, monuments and places of interest. Let's discover together what makes Loro Piceno so special.

Physical geography

Loro Piceno is situated on the top of a gently sloping hill, between Macerata and San Ginesio. The historic center has remained virtually intact and offers a view over the valley below. Even the newest part of the city is well-maintained, with well-organized and harmonious neighborhoods.

Loro Piceno: Treasure in the Marche hills


The history of Loro Piceno dates back to the pre-Roman era, as evidenced by the funerary stele found in 1943. During the Roman era, the city was part of ager Pollentinus-Urbisalviensis and still preserves the Nymphaeum delle Bàgnere. In the Middle Ages, the castle of the Lords of Loro, originally owned by the monks of San Clemente Abbey in Casauria, became an important urban center. Later, in the 13th century, Loro Piceno was attracted to the area belonging to the castles of Fermo and remained an important center of the region until today.

Monuments and places of interest

The city offers many monuments and places of interest, including the Palace of Gualtiero, commonly known as Castello Brunforte, and the Church of Corpus Domini, with its attached Monastery of the Dominican Nuns, both located on Girone, the highest part of the town. Visitors can also see the Church of Madonna delle Grazie, the Church of Madonna del latte, the Church of San Giorgio and the Church of Santa Lucia, a former parish of the city. One of the symbols of Loro Piceno is the Church of Santa Maria di Piazza, located in Piazza Matteotti, the pulsating heart of the city. Here, visitors can admire an organ built in 1983 by the master organ-maker Alessandro Girotto.

High-quality cooked wine

But Loro Piceno is also known for producing high-quality cooked wine, obtained by cooking grape must. This typical product is present throughout the Marche region, but Loro Piceno boasts a particularly prized production, thanks to the characteristics of the terrain and traditional production techniques.

Traditional cuisine

The traditional cuisine of Loro Piceno is based on typical local products, such as olives, caciocavallo cheese, snap peas and beans. Among the typical dishes, visitors can taste snap pea and bean soup, rice with pumpkin and caciocavallo cheese, spaghetti with mussels and roast pork.

Cultural and carnival events

Loro Piceno offers many cultural events throughout the year, including the Festival Teatrale della Marca, held every summer, and the Carnival of Loro Piceno, one of the oldest and most spectacular in the Marche region. During this festival, the city is filled with masks and allegorical floats, culminating in the parade of floats.


In summary, Loro Piceno is a municipality that deserves to be visited for its millennial history, monuments and places of interest, high-quality cooked wine production and traditional cuisine. But above all, Loro Piceno is a place where visitors can breathe the authenticity and beauty of the Marche hills. Come and discover it for yourself!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Tuesday, Nov 1, 2022