Longone Sabino

Longone Sabino: a small town in the province of Rieti

Longone Sabino is a town located in the province of Rieti, in the Lazio region. The town, with only 543 inhabitants, is located in western Sabina, near Lake Salto. The area has a climate classified as zone E, with an annual average of 2828 GR/G.


Longone Sabino: history and monuments of a small municipality in Lazio.


Longone Sabino is located west of Lake Salto and consists of several fractions, including Roccaranieri, located in the Enclave and northern exclave. The fractions of Fassinoro and San Silvestro are part of the territory of Longone Sabino, but are geographically in the Cicolano territory.


The climate of the area is classified as zone E, with an annual average of 2828 GR/G.


Longone Sabino derives its name from the term "Longono", which indicates a place of Lombard conquest. The area was known for its agricultural productivity, thanks to the presence of numerous water sources. Mount Aquilone, located near Longone, is a real water reserve, which feeds many streams and rivers in the area.

The Rocca di Longone, located on a hill, was a place of great strategic importance, used for both territorial defense and control of the Via Cecilia and the Letenano plateau. During Saracen invasions, the castle underwent a reinforcement of security and defense, with the permanent presence of the Militia.

The Castrum Longonis was always a reference point for administration, justice and finance throughout the area, under the dependence of the Abbey of San Salvatore Maggiore. In 1506, Pope Julius II placed Longone at the head of the castles of the abbey, giving control powers to a governor.

Longone Sabino remained under the dominion of the Papal States until the Unification of Italy.

Monuments and places of interest

The Longobardo Castle of Longone Sabino is one of the main monuments of the area. The foundations of the castle walls rest on the middle part of the Rocca di Capoterra's uphill slope, where the Governor's plaza, government palace, ballroom, notary's curia, and archive are still located today.

In addition to the Longobardo Castle, in the area of Longone Sabino, there are numerous churches to visit, including the church of San Michele Arcangelo dei Longobardi and the church of Santi Cosma e Damiano dei Benedettini.

Longone Sabino is a small town that has managed to preserve its history and cultural heritage over the centuries, becoming a place of great interest for lovers of history and nature.

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Thursday, May 5, 2022