
Longi, a municipality in the Nebrodi Mountains

Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about a small Sicilian municipality that definitely deserves a visit: Longi! Located in the metropolitan city of Messina, Longi is one of the four "paisi di li funci", along with Frazzanò, Galati Mamertino, and Mirto. Moreover, it is part of the Nebrodi Mountains Park, one of the largest protected areas in Europe.

Origins of the name

According to some historians, the name Longi derives from the Latin "Castrum Longum", which means "long castle". Over the centuries, the name has evolved, becoming first "Longum", then "Alongi" (in Byzantine dialect), and finally "Longi".

Longi: between religious architecture and cinematic curiosities

Monuments and places of interest

One of the reasons why I recommend visiting Longi is its magnificent religious architecture. In particular, you cannot miss:


If you are curious to learn a little bit of Longi's history, you should know that the municipality has undergone interesting demographic changes. At the 2001 census, Longi had 1,184 inhabitants, while in 2019 the population had decreased to 827 people.


The municipality of Longi has had several administrations over the decades. If you are interested in politics, you can have a look at the table that lists all the local governments since the post-war period.


Many do not know it, but Longi was the birthplace of two famous American directors: Anthony and Joe Russo, known all over the world for having directed films like Captain America: Civil War (2016) and Avengers: Endgame (2019).


If you want to deepen your knowledge of Longi's history and curiosities, I recommend visiting the dedicated page on the "Wikipedia" website.

Other projects

If you want to see some shots of Longi, you can visit the "Instagram" website, where you will find a multitude of photos of the city.

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Sunday, Sep 25, 2022