
Longhena: a small yet fascinating town

Located in the province of Brescia, in Lombardy, Longhena is a town with a population of 561. Despite its small size, this town boasts an interesting history, representative symbols, and a beautiful natural area that make it an ideal destination for those seeking tranquility.

Physical Geography

Longhena: discover the small municipality rich in history and nature.


Longhena is the smallest town in the province of Brescia in terms of territorial extension. Nevertheless, the territory is very suggestive, with beautiful rural and hilly landscapes that are ideal for walks and open-air trips.


The area of Longhena is crossed by two "roggia": the Ognata "roggia," which originates in Trenzano and affects the countryside of Dello, and the Dello River vessel, which originates in Maclodio and ends south of Dello, near the Lombardo farmhouse.

Origins of the name

The name "Longhena" is said to derive from the Latin "longanea," which means a long strip of land. In fact, the historic area of the town develops along the north-south axis. According to Paolo Guerrini, however, the term could be a dialectical contraction of "Longa-vigna," meaning "long vineyard" in the Brescia dialect; the etymology would indicate the strong presence of vines in the territory.


The history of Longhena has ancient origins, linked to the ancient castle of the Longhena family. Subsequently, the village developed as a cluster of farmhouses and manor houses, extending mainly to the north of the castle and along the main road, up to the crossroads with the road to Mairano. In the eighteenth century, the parish church was built.

During the Second World War, Longhena became a fraction of Mairano and recovered its status as an autonomous town only after the end of the conflict. Since then, the town has continued to grow and develop, converting agricultural areas into residential ones and expanding its inhabited area. Recently, a new land management plan has been adopted that provides for the construction of a ring road to avoid heavy traffic on the main road.


Longhena has two representative symbols: the banner and the coat of arms. The banner consists of a red flag that bears the municipal coat of arms and a yellow piece of cloth on either side. The coat of arms, on the other hand, is composed of a heart-shaped shield that contains three trees in natural color, representative of the natural aspect of the territory.


Longhena is a small town rich in history, natural areas, but also representative symbols.

Other Projects

For more information on Longhena, visit the official website of the town. Here you can discover all the secrets, curiosities, and beauties of this town, which is worth a visit.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Saturday, Jan 8, 2022