
Welcome to Longare, in the province of Vicenza!

Longare is a small town in the province of Vicenza, in Veneto. The town has a population of around 5557 and includes the main town and the hamlets of Costozza and Lumignano. The town is surrounded by a flat area, limited to the east by the Bacchiglione River and the Bisatto Canal, while to the southwest it overlooks the hilly area of the Berici Hills.

Let's explore the territory of Longare

The territory of Longare is characterized by a vast wooded area, which extends to the highest parts of the hills. In the hilly area, instead, scrub or sparse woodland prevails, especially on the southern slopes, where the fertile soil covering the limestone subsoil is thin. Finally, the rocky environment houses animal and plant species adapted to an environment with limited hospitality.

Longare, discovering the geology and nature of Veneto.

Geology of Longare

The Berici Hills, of which Longare is part, are mainly composed of calcareous rocks dating back to the Oligocene, between 34 and 23 million years ago. These rocks were formed during biochemical and organogenic sedimentation in a lagoon environment characterized by tropical waters, well oxygenated and with seawater temperatures between 25 and 29 degrees. The ancient coral reef, known as the Lumignano cliff, is a remnant of the coral barrier that separated the lagoon from the open sea.

Caves and cavities in Costozza

The erosive phenomena that have acted on the surface limestone matrix have generated the formation of cavities, caves, and karst processes. In Costozza, these caves have been connected in a network of tunnels that still channel the fresh air from the hills. This air conditioning system was known and used as early as the 16th and 17th centuries to cool the villas and noble palaces during the summer heat.

Geological curiosities of Lumignano

In the Munarini locality of Lumignano, one can still observe a neck, that is, an ancient volcanic plug, contemporaneous with those of the nearby Lessini Mountains.

Flora in Longare

In the flat area to the east of the Bacchiglione River, vast areas cultivated with crops and permanent agricultural crops can be found. Instead, in the hilly area, one can observe an extensive wooded area and scrub or sparse woodland, especially on the southern slopes where the fertile soil covering the limestone subsoil is rather thin.


Longare is a diverse and fascinating town, with an interesting variety of landscapes and geological phenomena. The town is perfect for nature lovers and for those who want to discover the beauty of the Veneto territory.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022