
Welcome to Lona-Lases!

Hello everyone! Today we'll talk about Lona-Lases, a small municipality in the province of Trento with a population of 872 inhabitants. The name of the village is composed of the names of its two main villages: Lona and Lases. Let's discover everything there is to know about this beautiful place immersed in the Val di Cembra.

Physical geography

The territory of Lona-Lases is located entirely in the Val di Cembra, one of the most suggestive valleys in Trentino. The area is surrounded by mountain chains such as the Piccole Dolomiti, the Lagorai, and the Alps of Cembra. Lake Lases is one of the most interesting places in the area, surrounded by the enchanting Regagnolo Forest.

Lona-Lases: Let's Discover the Municipality Immersed in Val di Cembra.


Lona-Lases is one of the four municipalities born after the dissolution of the Magnifica Comunità Pinetana. This community also included Bedollo, Baselga di Piné, and Miola, the latter being then suppressed. Lona and Lases have historically been part of this community. Since 2006, the municipality has been part of the Cembra Valley community.

Monuments and points of interest

If you are passionate about religious architecture, you cannot miss the Church of the Visitation of Mary in the hamlet of Lases, the Church of the Decapitation of St. John the Baptist in the hamlet of Lona, and the Church of San Giobbe in the hamlet of Piazzole. If you prefer nature, we recommend a visit to the Lona-Lases Biotopo, a protected wetland area that houses numerous species of flora and fauna.


Lona-Lases is famous for the extraction of porphyry, a volcanic stone highly valued in construction due to its resistance and hardness. The area has been active since the 1960s in the extraction of this stone, becoming one of the most important areas in Trentino for this sector.


The municipality has seen a very positive demographic evolution in recent years, thanks also to the attention paid to the environment and sustainable development. The community is attentive to social inclusion and the welcome of all visitors.


The municipal administration of Lona-Lases is committed to promoting the territory and safeguarding natural and cultural environments. The mayor and his collaborators are always available to listen to the needs and proposals of citizens.

Notes and links

For more information on the history, culture, and activities of Lona-Lases, we invite you to visit the official website of the municipality. Enjoy your visit!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Monday, May 16, 2022