
Welcome to Cembra Lisignago!

Dear readers, today I will take you to the discovery of Cembra Lisignago, an Italian municipality in the autonomous province of Trento, located in the beautiful Cembra Valley. This municipality was established on January 1st, 2016, from the union of the previous municipalities of Cembra and Lisignago, and has a population of 2,298 inhabitants. It is a charming place, surrounded by nature, which offers many attractions in all seasons of the year. I invite you to follow me on this journey to discover Cembra Lisignago!

The history of Cembra Lisignago

The history of this municipality is very interesting, and dates back to ancient times. But to start, I will talk about the symbols of Cembra Lisignago. The coat of arms of the municipality was approved in 2017, and is a split shield that combines the emblems of the two previous distinct municipalities: on one side, on a red field, a golden bunch of grapes, vine leaves of green, which represents Cembra; on the other, on a gold field, Saint Blaise bishop and martyr, with a sword and a pastoral staff, enclosed in a silver panel bordered in red, symbol of Lisignago. The gonfalon, on the other hand, is a split flag of yellow and red.

Cembra Lisignago: the discovery of a municipality immersed in nature.

The society of Cembra Lisignago

The population of this municipality is constantly evolving, with an increase in population density in recent years. The people who live in Cembra Lisignago are very united and supportive, and there are many initiatives aimed at promoting social inclusion and mutual help among residents. The social life of the municipality is very active, and there are many associations that organize artistic, cultural and sports events and activities.

The administration of Cembra Lisignago

The administration of Cembra Lisignago is responsible for managing the services and activities that involve the municipality and its population, from the maintenance of roads to the organization of cultural and sports events and activities. There are many professional figures who work every day for the well-being of the municipality, including the mayor, the council, and the municipal offices.

Notes on the municipality

There is much to discover and learn about Cembra Lisignago, and anyone who has the opportunity to visit this splendid locality will not be disappointed. The local population is very hospitable and welcoming, and you will immediately feel at home. Cembra Lisignago is also a place of great scenic and cultural value, with many monuments, museums, and places of historical interest.

Other projects and external links

On the Internet, you can find many resources to assist in the discovery of Cembra Lisignago, including the municipality's website and other tourist portals. In addition, tourist guides on the municipality are available on various platforms, which will lead you to discover the natural and cultural beauties of this area waiting to be explored.

Thank you for accompanying me on this journey to discover Cembra Lisignago, and I invite you to visit this splendid Italian locality, which will give you unforgettable moments and welcome you with open arms!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Aug 24, 2022