
The Beautiful Linguaglossa

Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk to you about Linguaglossa, a municipality of almost 5,059 inhabitants located in the metropolitan city of Catania, in Sicily. Also known as ''Liṅṅuarossa'' in Sicilian dialect, this small town has a lot to offer to anyone looking for a peaceful yet lively destination. I am writing this summary because I love discovering new places and I hope to introduce you to Linguaglossa just as I did.

Physical Geography

Discover Linguaglossa: between monasteries and the beauty of Mount Etna.


As I mentioned earlier, Linguaglossa is located on the northeast side of the imposing Mount Etna and is part of the Etna Park. Its territory extends up to the summit of the volcano, including the magnificent Ragabo pine forest. Do not miss the Mareneve road that leads to the forest and the ski resort of Piano Provenzana at 1,800 meters above sea level!


Linguaglossa has a Mediterranean climate, but being in the mountains, it enjoys a cooler climate in summer compared to coastal areas and winters are more rigid. You can enjoy a mountain hike throughout the year!


Linguaglossa was founded in the Middle Ages and over the centuries has undergone several dominations (Arabs, Normans and Spaniards). Until the sixteenth century, the city had 18 churches, some of which have disappeared, but many of the remaining churches are still visitable today.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Religious Architecture

If you like visiting churches, Linguaglossa is the right place for you! The mother church or main church is the most important in the country and preserves a beautiful 18th-century wooden choir with numerous paintings. The church of San Francesco di Paola is very suggestive, with the attribution of a work by Gagini and a painted marble statue of the 'Madonna of Loreto'. Other interesting churches are the Church of the Annunciation, the Church of Saint Egidio Abbot, the Church of Saints Anthony and Vito, the Church of Carmine, the Church of Calvary, the Church of Jesus and Mary and the Church of San Rocco. Many of these churches preserve frescoes and works of great value!

Disappeared Churches

But not all the churches are still present. In fact, some of them have disappeared but still deserve to be mentioned. The Church of Santa Caterina, for example, which was located in a small square that now bears its name and was used until 1868. The Church of San Biagio between the street of the same name and via Marconi, transformed into dwellings in the eighteenth century, and the Church of San Nicolò, destroyed to build the convent of the Dominican fathers, but still today hosts the statue of the titular saint.

Linguaglossa was also a monastic city, with the Abbey of Santa Caterina on the slopes of the hills north of the town, abandoned in 1523 due to the lack of monks.


In conclusion, I highly recommend visiting Linguaglossa because it has a lot to offer: the beauty of Mount Etna and the Ragabo pine forest, the numerous churches and monasteries that will leave you speechless, and the possibility of hiking and mountain sports throughout the year. I hope you can visit this fantastic city for yourself and enjoy everything it has to offer!

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Saturday, Jun 25, 2022