Limone Piemonte

Limone Piemonte: a tourist resort among the Alps

Limone Piemonte is a municipality located in the province of Cuneo, nestled among the mountains of the Alps. With a population of around 1,450 inhabitants, it is a highly sought-after destination among lovers of snow and mountains, thanks to its strategic location along the SS20 Colle di Tenda road and the Cuneo-Ventimiglia railway line.

The history of winter tourism

Thanks to the presence of the railway, Limone Piemonte became a popular ski resort as early as the beginning of the 20th century. The first slopes were built on the hill of Limone-Sole and soon extended along the Val Roia, creating the "Riserva Bianca" (White Reserve) ski area.

Limone Piemonte: an exciting alpine destination.

The Riserva Bianca ski area

The slopes of the "Riserva Bianca" ski area are among the snowiest in Italy, stretching over a total of 80 km across three areas (Limone-Sole, Tre Amis, Limonetto) that are interconnected. The fourth area, Limone-Cros, was abandoned in 1998 after the technical expiration of the ski lift that served it.

The ski lift system was almost completely renovated between 2000 and 2012, thanks to the help of the Morzenti family and public funding.

Limone and sustainable tourism

The municipal administration and tourist operators of Limone are committed to sustainable tourism and soft mobility, which led to Limone being included in the consortium of Alpine Pearls.

Sports events

Limone has a strong sports tradition, particularly in alpine skiing and snowboarding. The resort has hosted major events such as the Italian Alpine Skiing Championships, giant slalom races valid for the Alpine Ski World Cup, European Cup Alpine skiing races, and the "Christmas Parallel" for snowboarding. It was also a stop on the Snowboard World Cup in 2007, 2008, and 2010.

The new railway tunnel

The new railway tunnel that was supposed to link Limone Piemonte with France has faced numerous delays and work interruptions. The disaster of October 2-3, 2020, caused by the storm Alex, led to the collapse of the road at the entrance of the old tunnel, on the French side, and road connections between Limone and the neighboring Val Roia are suspended indefinitely.


Limone Piemonte is a tourist resort that enchants visitors with the beauty of the Alps and the wide range of activities it offers. If you love snow and mountains, Limone can be an ideal choice for a regenerating and unforgettable vacation.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Friday, Feb 4, 2022