
Welcome to Ligosullo!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a small village in the heart of Carnia: Ligosullo! It is a now defunct municipality, but still retains its charm and beauty. With its 92 inhabitants, Ligosullo is an oasis of peace and tranquility in the mountains. Keep reading to find out more about this wonderful location!

The geography of Ligosullo

Ligosullo is situated at an altitude of 949 meters above sea level, in the beautiful Val Pontaiba in Carnia, in the province of Udine. Its privileged position makes it perfect for hiking and winter sports. Moreover, the surrounding landscape is breathtakingly beautiful.

Ligosullo: discover the beauty of a mountain municipality.

The history of Ligosullo

The history of Ligosullo dates back to 1839, when it became an autonomous municipality separate from the municipality of Paluzza. The municipality was made up of the capital and the village of Murzalis, a small village composed of about 30 houses. Ligosullo was the smallest municipality in Carnia. In 2018, Ligosullo merged with Treppo Carnico to form the new municipality of Treppo Ligosullo, as established by regional law no. 47 of December 28, 2017.

The symbols of Ligosullo

The coat of arms and the flag of Ligosullo were granted by a decree of the President of the Republic on June 25, 1952. The coat of arms depicts a mountain with a star above it, while the flag is white with a blue stripe in the middle.

What to see in Ligosullo

Although Ligosullo is a small municipality, it has some interesting attractions. One of these is the Castle of Valdajer, which in the past served as a hotel and restaurant. The castle was built by Colonel Kreig, commander of the Osoppo Fort during the war between Austria and the Republic of Venice. In addition, Jacob Nicolaus Craigher de Jachelutta, an Austrian poet of the XIX century whose work was set to music by the famous composer Franz Schubert, was born in Ligosullo.

The society of Ligosullo

In the past few years, the population of Ligosullo has fluctuated, but recently it seems to have stabilized. The social life of Ligosullo revolves around the parish church dedicated to St. Bartholomew.


I hope I have made you appreciate this small Carnian gem that is Ligosullo. If you are looking for a place to relax and disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life, Ligosullo could be the right place for you!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Saturday, Sep 17, 2022