
Welcome to Lettere: a town with a millennia-old history

Hello everyone! Welcome to Lettere, a town located in the metropolitan city of Naples in Campania. Our town has about 6010 inhabitants and is located in the southern part of the Gulf of Naples, nestled in the beautiful Lattari Mountains. In this text, I will talk to you about the history of Lettere, its monuments and places of interest.


Lettere was founded in Roman times, during the Social War. It seems that Lucius Cornelius Sulla camped on a hill above the city of Stabiae, building a "castrum". Some historians suppose that the name of the city derived from this event, while others associate it with the term "lattaro". Over the years, Lettere became a border city of the Republic of Amalfi, a maritime state that protected their territory from raids from the Gulf of Naples, building a castle to protect the small village. In the sixteenth century, the city passed under the dominion of the House of Aragon.

Letters: millennial history between mountains and sea.

Monuments and places of interest

The Castle of Lettere, built by the Duchy of Amalfi, is one of the main places of interest in town. The castle was enlarged both by the Normans and by the Suebi, and reached the height of its splendor with the Angevins. With the arrival of the House of Aragon, the castle lost its military function and was transformed into a private residence before being completely abandoned. It was then restored in the 1990s and 2000s.

Another point of interest in the city is the Cathedral of Lettere, built in Romanesque style, located near the castle. The cathedral houses a necropolis from Roman times, where a tear vase, a balm vase, lanterns, vases, and several funerary inscriptions belonging to the Cornelii, Prisci, and Valerii families were found.

Daily life

I invite you to visit Lettere, a city with breathtaking views and fresh air. Here life flows peacefully among the surrounding hills, populated by farmers and shepherds. The typical cuisine of the area is based on fresh and genuine products, such as buffalo mozzarella, eggplants and zucchini, and our delicious limoncello!

Lettere is an ideal destination for those seeking peace and quiet, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Our city offers a wide range of outdoor activities such as trekking in the Lattari Mountains, a visit to nearby museums and natural parks, and numerous local festivals and fairs that take place throughout the year.


Thank you for reading this text about the history and attractions of my city, Lettere. I hope you enjoyed it and that it was helpful in planning your next trip to Italy. I invite you to visit Lettere, to discover the beauty of our land and taste our cuisine, you will not be disappointed! See you soon in Lettere!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Wednesday, Oct 12, 2022