
Welcome to Galleriano!

If you want to discover a small hamlet of the municipality of Lestizza, in the heart of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, you are in the right place! Welcome to Galleriano, a locality that owes its name to a Roman colony established in the first centuries after Christ near the hill fort.

Let's discover the monuments and places of interest

The parish church of San Martino is certainly one of the main attractions of the village. You can admire the bell tower with the rotating bronze angel, which indicates the direction of the wind, and the eighteenth-century marble altar of Francesco Fosconi. Inside, the statues of San Martino and San Paolo by Luca Paleari and the cycle of frescoes by Rocco Pitacco on the walls. Don't miss the carved wooden triptych, painted and gilded with ''Saint John the Evangelist, Madonna with Child and Saint Paul'' of around 1520-25 attributed to Antonio Tironi, located at the Diocesan Museum and Tiepolo Galleries in Udine after the restoration of 2001.

Continuing along Via San Giovanni, you can admire the seventeenth-century Venetian-style Villa Trigatti and the rural church of San Giovanni Evangelista, built in the fourteenth century and restored in the early and late twentieth century. At the back of the church, you can relax in the beautiful park with pines, cypresses and native plants kept in good order by the parish volunteers. During the year, various recreational, cultural and religious events are held there. The park is also used as a stopping point for those traveling on the nearby provincial road "Ferrata".

If you are passionate about archaeology, don't miss the hill fort "Las Rives" between Galleriano, Sclaunicco and Nespoledo. It is a village from the Bronze Age of the 13th century BC surrounded by embankments arranged in a rhomboidal shape. Recently, it has been discovered that it is the oldest known Friulian dwelling, dating back three thousand years.

Discover Galleriano: art, history and archaeology in the heart of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

The Hill Fort

The hill fort of Galleriano, along with those of Sedegliano and Savalons, is one of three examples of fortified settlements that arose in the plains and are now recognizable in the high plain of Udine. In 2003, the University of Udine began the first field surveys. Due to the importance of the site, research resumed in 2007, with particular attention to the north peak of the earthwork defense, in the so-called Campo Romano. This is a strip of land 16 m wide and raised about 1 m above the internal field level, which runs along the northwestern side of the enclosure.


Galleriano is a small municipality that boasts a millennial history and numerous attractions, from the hill fort to churches rich in art and history. Its strategic location also makes it an ideal stopping point for those traveling on the nearby provincial road "Ferrata". We are sure that you will be fascinated by the beauty of this place and the warmth of its people.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Sunday, Apr 17, 2022