

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about a municipality in Friuli-Venezia Giulia called Lestizza (or Listize, as they say in Friulian language). Despite being a small municipality with only 3653 inhabitants, it has some interesting peculiarities that are worth knowing.

Physical geography

Lestizza is located in the Friulian plain and is situated at the intersection of three important roads: State Road 13 Pontebbana, SP 95 (called "Ferrata" in the area) and State Road 252 of Palmanova (also known as "Napoleonica" for its history). The largest fraction of the municipality is Santa Maria, which has about 900 inhabitants.

Lestizza: a Friulian municipality amidst roads and nature.

Territory and economic activities

The surrounding territory is predominantly cultivated with maize, barley, soybeans and alfalfa, although vine cultivation, traditional in the area, is decreasing. Recent installations of fruit growing (apples and kiwis), horticulture and floriculture are becoming more and more common. 70% of the population works in services, crafts and industry, while the remaining 30% is made up of farmers and small craft businesses. The municipality of Lestizza owns 7% of the cattle stock in the provincial territory, particularly in the fraction of Sclaunicco.

Flora and fauna

The territory of Lestizza offers a variety of tree and shrub species, including the invasive Robinia, elderberry, cherry plum, wild plum and others. Among the species of nesting birds, you can find blackbirds, mallards, gray crows, magpies, jays, wild pigeons, golden orioles, quails and partridges. Although hunting is not very common in the area, hares, foxes, badgers, wild boars and roe deer can be spotted.

Wild herbs

If you visit Lestizza, I recommend that you gather some edible wild herbs, such as dandelion, silene, corn salad, poppy sprouts, bellidiastro and hop tops. However, remember to collect them only if you are sure of their edibility and if they have not been treated with pesticides or nitrogen fertilizers.


In conclusion, Lestizza is a small municipality that offers a unique experience, thanks to its geographical location, the variety of plant and animal species, and the economic activities present in the area. If you have the opportunity to visit it, I recommend you do so!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Sunday, Apr 17, 2022