
Welcome to Lessona: a Piedmontese municipality between wine and history

Lessona, or "Alson-a" in Piedmontese language, is an Italian municipality in the province of Biella, Piedmont, with a population of about 2624 inhabitants. Since January 1, 2016, the municipality has effectively become a new municipality, resulting from the merger between the previous municipality with the same name and the former municipality of Crosa. Lessona is located at the foot of the Biella pre-Alps and is bordered to the east by Masserano and to the southwest by the municipality of Cossato.

Discover the Physical Geography

The territory of the municipality of Lessona is predominantly hilly and is known for its Nebbiolo and Vespolina vineyards. The precious red wine Lessona is produced from these vineyards and is a symbol of the municipality. The cultivation of vineyards, both in Lessona and throughout the Biella area, is experiencing a real rediscovery after a period of abandonment. Lessona is about 13 km from the capital, Biella.

Lesson: Wine and History in a Piedmontese Municipality

The History of Lessona

The history of Lessona is quite ancient and the name "Lessona" seems to come from an ancient Celtic or Latin toponym. According to a theory, the name would derive from "legio" or "laesa", which mean "legion" or "wound", respectively. The coat of arms of the municipality of Lessona shows five bleeding wounds. Other scholars instead argue that the name comes from the Latin "Lesa sum", which means "I am wounded".

Discover the Symbols of Lessona

With the merger of the municipalities of Crosa and Lessona, the municipal administration adopted a new coat of arms, which brings together the symbols of the previous municipalities, adding further elements. The first quarter reproduces the coat of arms of the old municipality of Lessona, with the five bleeding wounds. The rampant crowned lion, the rose, and the cross on a green field come from the municipality of Crosa. The clusters of grapes in the last quarter symbolize the wine heritage of the area.

Society and Demography

The population of Lessona has remained quite stable over the past few years. The municipality is characterized by the presence of numerous wineries and viticultural companies, offering a wide selection of high-quality wines.

Culture and Events

Every year in July, Lessona hosts "Ratataplan", the international festival of music, art, and theater. During this event, artists from different countries animate the streets of the town with various types of shows. In the local theater, instead, plays in Piedmontese language are performed during the spring season.

Infrastructure and Transport

Between 1891 and 1958, Lessona was served by a station on the Biella-Cossato-Vallemosso railway and by a station on the Cossato-Masserano line, called Lessona Centro. Today, the municipality is still well connected to the nearby city of Biella thanks to several bus lines.

Administration and Territorial Organization

The municipality of Lessona was part of the mountain community of Val Sessera, Valle di Mosso, and Prealpi Biellesi, an entity abolished with Regional Law no. 11 of September 28, 2012. Previously, until 2010, it belonged to the mountain community of Prealpi Biellesi, abolished following the merger ordered by the Piedmont Region in 2009. The table of municipal administrations shows how the municipality of Lessona has experienced various territorial transformations throughout the 20th century.


Lessona is a charming Piedmontese municipality full of history, known above all for its precious red wine. The municipality is characterized by hilly terrain and numerous viticultural companies, offering high-quality products. Cultural events and theatrical performances make the social life of the municipality always lively and interesting.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Sunday, Jan 29, 2023