
Welcome to Lesegno!

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about Lesegno, a small town of 829 inhabitants located in the province of Cuneo, in Piedmont. I will show you its ancient history, its monuments, the beauties of its physical geography and much more.

The origin of the name Lesegno

The name Lesegno has two possible origins: the first theory suggests that it derives from Lux Ignis, meaning light of fire, while the second proposes that it comes from Laeso Ligno, which means cut wood. The town is located in an area where there were once forests, which were then cut down to make room for the settlement.

Drawing: history, art and nature in Piedmont.

The history of Lesegno

The history of Lesegno dates back to the tenth century. At that time, the village was part of the county of Andrate of the Marquises of Susa, but in 1013 Olderico Manfredi, Marquis of Susa, sold the castle to a priest. A few years later, the castle passed to the bishop of Asti, who then sold it to the Marquises of Ceva. In 1790, Lesegno became a marquisate and was given to the Marquis of Ceva and Lesegno, Cesare Gaspare. Throughout its history, Lesegno suffered damage from the Spanish and the French in 1649 and 1796.

The physical geography of Lesegno

The capital of Lesegno is located at the mouth of the Mongia Valley, just east of Mongia.

Monuments and places of interest

If you are a lover of history and art, Lesegno is the right place for you. In the municipal territory, there are several monuments and places of interest. Among the castles, we remember the Castellazzo and the Castle of the Marquises of Carretto, while the third castle was demolished by the House of Savoy. Today, in its place, there is the town hall, but the underground areas and a tower still remain. The churches of Sant'Antonio Abate and Madonna delle Casette and the chapels of Santa Maria del Luchinetto, San Bernardo da Mentone, San Sebastiano, Santo Stefano, San Rocco and San Nazario complete the picture of the artistic beauties of Lesegno. The church of San Nazario deserves a special mention since it was built in 1207 and is the oldest among them all.

The society of Lesegno

The population of Lesegno is 829 according to December 2017 data. There are various nationalities present in the municipal territory, including Romania.

The administration of Lesegno

In the table below, you can find the administrations that have succeeded in the municipality of Lesegno.

Other administrative information

Lesegno was part of the Alto Tanaro Cebano Monregalese Mountain Community.


I hope you enjoyed this brief overview and that it has taught you something new about Lesegno. If you have the opportunity to visit the town, do not miss its artistic and naturalistic beauties. I wish you a good discovery!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Wednesday, Jul 13, 2022