
Welcome to Volpiano!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Volpiano, a municipality in the metropolitan city of Turin, located in the heart of the Piedmont region. With its 15,230 inhabitants, this small city offers a perfect blend of natural landscapes and urban atmosphere.

Physical geography

Volpiano is a mix of agriculture and industrial activities and is located on the edge of the plateau of the Vauda Natural Reserve, a protected area characterized by pristine green spaces. The city is crossed by various watercourses that also flow through neighboring towns, including the Malone stream, Bendola, Rio San Giovanni, and Rio Ritano. The hamlet called Cascine Malone is located northeast of Volpiano, along the left bank of the Malone stream, about three kilometers from the town center.

Discover the beauty and history of Volpiano!

Name origins

Let's talk about the origins of the name "Volpiano". According to the theories of the expert Giandomenico Serra, the name derives from the phrase "Vicus Ulpianus", from the gentilic Ulpius, which refers to the Roman period. However, there is no concrete evidence to support this theory. The first written document mentioning Volpiano is an imperial diploma from 1014, which refers to the castle of Volpiano, located within the monastic heritage of Fruttuaria. Moreover, the city could have Celtic origins, deriving from the word "Vàuda", which in Piedmontese means "forest". This suggests that the name Volpiano could mean "The plain of the Vauda" (Vauda-planum). In Piedmontese, the city is called "Volpian" or "Vorpian".


Volpiano came under the control of the Roman Empire in 25 BC and was affected by the centuriation during the Romanization, as evidenced by visible traces around Cascine Germania, Ruffino, Prono, and Verdina. The city was also crossed by the Roman road that connected Augusta Taurinorum to Eporedia and Augusta Praetoria. An important archaeological finding attests to the presence of a large rustic villa on the borders with Brandizzo during the TAV excavations.

In the 5th and 6th centuries, Volpiano suffered barbarian invasions and was subjugated by the Lombards. In 771, Charlemagne waged war against the Lombards and initiated the European reunification that led to the constitution of the Holy Roman Empire. Around the year 1000, Volpiano was part of the fiefdom of Roberto, a nobleman of Swabian origin, husband of Perinzia, also a noblewoman. At that time, Volpiano was considered a locality of great strategic importance.

What to see in Volpiano

If you are in Volpiano, you cannot miss the Castle of Volpiano. The Castle was built in the 11th century and represents one of the symbols of the city. It is still possible to visit its historical halls and the keep, from which you can enjoy a panoramic view of the surrounding city. Moreover, the Church of San Giovanni Battista is certainly another place of great cultural and architectural interest. The church was built in the second half of the 14th century in Gothic style and has many frescoes dating back to that period.

Events in Volpiano

Volpiano is also known for some traditional events that take place during the year. For example, in the first week of September, Volpiano hosts the festival of the Madonna della Fraternità and an important Antique Market. In spring, instead, the festival of the Bagna Cauda, a typical Piedmontese dish made with garlic, oil, and anchovies, takes place.

What to eat in Volpiano

For those who want to taste the typical dishes of the Piedmontese tradition, the local cuisine offers numerous dishes based on meat, pasta, and rice. Among the typical dishes are the braised beef in Barolo wine, the veal with tuna sauce, and the bagna cauda. Moreover, Volpiano is famous for its local products, such as white truffles and cheese.


In conclusion, Volpiano is a destination worth visiting to discover the beauty of natural landscapes and the history of this ancient and fascinating city. Among castles, churches, and culinary traditions, Volpiano is the ideal destination for a trip to discover the authentic and genuine Piedmont. Don't miss the opportunity to visit this splendid city!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022