
Discovering the Village of Torretta

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the village of Torretta, which is located in the municipality of Legnago, in the province of Verona, in the beautiful region of Veneto. Torretta is a small village about 13 kilometers away from the center of Legnago, crossed by the Canal Bianco. But let's move on to the history of this charming location.

The History of Torretta

The territory on which Torretta stands has been inhabited since the Bronze Age. At that time, it was an area predominantly covered by forests and marshy areas, where embanked villages were located. Over time, the Paleoveneti mixed with Gallic and Etruscan populations, and from the 2nd century BC the area became part of the territories conquered by the Romans. Until a certain point, the village enjoyed a golden period for agriculture, craftsmanship and trade, thanks to its position on the Tartaro river and the ''Aemilia Altinate'' road.

But after the strong Germanic migrations, which led to the disappearance of the Western Roman Empire in 589, the Veronese plain was invaded by floods which caused the displacement of the Adige river. The area of the Basso Veronese and Alto Polesine became unhealthy and swampy, and the few elevated lands were used for agriculture and pastoralism. Some homes arose on one of the paleochannels of the river, and towards the end of the 1300s a fortification was erected on an islet in the middle of the Tartaro river to control the area. During the Venetian rule, the area gained some importance, as shown in a document from 1445 which speaks of a ''Croxeta Veneziana'' dependent on Legnago.

After the Treaty of Campoformio, Torretta came under Austrian rule. In 1854, on the order of General Radetzky, the reclamation works of the Grandi Valli Veronesi began, which ended in 1928. After the two tragedies of the world wars and the destruction of the church on April 23, 1945, the local community worked to rebuild the village. With the economic prosperity of the 1960s, Torretta lost its rural character.

Discover the story of Torretta Veronese: a journey into the past of Veneto.

Torretta Today

Today, Torretta Veronese is located at the extreme edge of the Legnaghese territory, on the border with the province of Rovigo. Most people live on agriculture and the village is surrounded by vast territories mainly cultivated with wheat, soy and other cereals, between the current course of the Tartaro river and the bank of the fossa Maestra.


If you want to delve into the history of Legnago, I recommend ''Legnago, storia di una comunità'' written by Francesco Occhi and Augusto Garau.

In conclusion, Torretta is a village that recalls the history and glorious past of the Veneto region. If you love nature, history and the countryside, Torretta Veronese is definitely the perfect place for you!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Saturday, Apr 9, 2022