Villa Convento
Welcome to Villa Convento!
Hello everyone! Are you ready to discover this small hamlet in the province of Lecce? Here, I will take you to discover Villa Convento, a village of just 728 inhabitants divided between the municipalities of Novoli and Lecce.
Origins of the name
The name Villa Convento comes from the ancient presence of a Dominican convent, built in 1551 by Filippo I Mattei, who favored the settlement of the fiefdom. Today, the village is known with this name, while the nearby hamlet of Santa Maria de Novi is called Novoli.

Villa Convento was part of the ancient County of Lecce founded by the Normans around 1055 and followed the same fate of the County passing under the dominions of various feudal families. In 1523 Paolo Mattei purchased the fiefdom of Nubilo or Novule, which was uninhabited at that time. Here, in 1551, he built a convent for the Dominican fathers and the adjoining church of Saint Onofrio, thus favoring the settlement (or resettlement) of the fiefdom.
Myths and Legends: "The Last Hermit"
One of the legends related to Villa Convento is about Friar Morgicchiu Pilu Niuru, the only Dominican friar who remained in the village when the convent was suppressed. He spent his contemplative life in a humble hut located in the village lands. Legend has it that even today, in those places, in exceptional circumstances of the harshest and snowy Salento winters, Friar Morgicchio can be seen in contemplative ecstasy in front of a crackling spit.
Villa Convento enjoys a Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers and mild winters with some episodes of rain.
Monuments and Places of Interest
One of the wonders of the village is the Madonna delle Grazie Church (S.S. Maria del Buon Consiglio), located right in the center of the village. The facade, with a Greek worked frame, is in Baroque style and features a large door and two side windows. Inside, the church consists of a single nave with cross vaults and contains several works of art of great value.
Infrastructure and Transport
Villa Convento is located on the SP4 Novoli-Lecce road and is three kilometers from Novoli and eight from Lecce. From the inhabited center depart the provincial roads SP8 Villa Convento-Arnesano and SP121 Villa Convento-Carmiano.
The village of Villa Convento celebrates several festivals and fairs throughout the year, among the most important ones are the Sagra della Puccia in May, the Sagra te lu Puerciceddhru Pri Pri e te la Caddhrina Co Co on August 15th, the Feast of Saint Anthony Abbot on the last Sunday of January, the Feast of Mary S.S. del Buon Consiglio (with the ''Sagra te li Taraddhri cu lu pipe'') on the last Sunday of April and finally La Festa te lu Idulu which takes place every two hundred years to honor the fruit of the vine, Bacco Cumentinu and the temple dedicated to him located in the remote "Terre te lu patrunu".
This is Villa Convento, a small village that preserves its history, traditions, and natural beauty. Come and visit us, and we will welcome you with open arms!