Lecce nei Marsi

Lecce nei Marsi: discovering a corner of nature in Abruzzo

There is a small town in Abruzzo, nestled in the Marsica, that deserves to be known for the beauty of its nature and the history hidden among its streets. I'm talking about Lecce nei Marsi, a magical place that has only 1531 inhabitants, but manages to steal the heart of anyone who visits.

Physical geography: the enchantment of nature

Lecce dei Marsi is located on the south-eastern side of the plain of Fucino, at about 740 meters above sea level. Its territory is included in the protected area of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, which makes it a place immersed in nature, with enchanting views and views of the surrounding mountains.

Among these, the Monte Turchio stands majestically above the houses of the village, at an altitude of 1270 meters, and there are the ruins of the ghost town of Lecce Vecchio. Then there are the wild rice paddies of Cicerana and the Fagus vetusta of Selva Moricento, a forest of centuries-old beech trees that was declared a World Heritage Site in 2017.

Lecce nei Marsi: nature, history and charm of Abruzzo.

Origins of the name: a suggestive hypothesis

It is not certain where the name Lecce dei Marsi comes from. According to some assumptions, it may be related to the term "iliceus", which refers to the phytoman Quercus ilex and therefore to the holm oaks that would have characterized the area surrounding the medieval village.

Another hypothesis, more fanciful and less supported by evidence, is that the village was founded in the 10th century by a population of Anatolian origin, the Lici. In any case, we find ourselves facing a mysterious and fascinating origin.

History: between ancient nuclei and great artists

Lecce dei Marsi has a very interesting historical past. It is known that, in Roman times, the old Marso castle was destroyed during the Social War, and then rose again in Lombard times as an aggregation of various hamlets. The birth of the great artist Andrea De Litio, one of the greatest Italian representatives of late Gothic and Renaissance, took place in Lecce in the fifteenth century.

In the sixteenth century, the village came under the control of the Piccolomini family, while in the following centuries it underwent various events that characterized its history, such as the settlement of the monastic order of the friars minor of St. Francis in 1602 or the transformation into an autonomous municipality of the territory of Lecce in 1811.

Conclusions: a fascinating place to discover

In this brief excursus, we have seen how Lecce dei Marsi is a place immersed in nature, with ancient charm and fascinating history. Although it has only a few inhabitants, there are many reasons to visit it, from the beauty of the surrounding mountains to the presence of important artists of the past, to the enchanting wild rice paddies. In short, if you have the opportunity to visit Lecce nei Marsi and its province, don't miss this opportunity to admire a unique and suggestive corner of Abruzzo.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Mar 21, 2022