
Discovering Lastebasse: a journey through physical geography

Lastebasse is a small municipality located in the province of Vicenza, in Veneto, with a population of just 184 inhabitants. It extends on the right bank of the high Val d'Astico, near the border with Trentino. The landscape of Lastebasse is characterized by steep hills that descend from south to north, starting from the Folgaria plateau. Some plains are located at the bottom of the valley and on the Fiorentini plateau, located further south of the town center. The malghe, or mountain pastures, cover a vast area of over 1,000 hectares and are mostly privately owned. The pastures are located between the towns of Fratte, Bosco Scuro, Costa, Restele, Valle delle Lanze, Costa d'Agra and Coston.

The origins of the name Lastebasse

According to the historian Gaetano Maccà, the name "Laste" derives from the polished stone slabs found at the bottom of the Astico river.

Discover Lastebasse: history and hilly landscape in Veneto.

A history of wars and borders

Lastebasse has a rich and interesting history, characterized by disputes between different ethnic groups and cultures, as well as between those who held power and had control over the territory. Since ancient times, the region has been inhabited since the Paleolithic period, with numerous caves that provided refuge for the population. Subsequently, it was inhabited by the Euganeans and then by the Venetians who settled in the Vicenza plain. In the Middle Ages, the possession of the Tonezza-Fiorentini-Folgaria plateau and the Astico Valley was the subject of bitter disputes between different factions. The road that connects Restele to the Sommo di Folgaria pass seems to be the demarcation line between the Upper and Lower Laste. The inhabitants of the region were called Lastarolli and lived in places like Busatti, Giaconi, Snideri, Posta, Tamburinari, Montepiano, S. Fermo and Rustico, mainly engaged in agriculture and livestock farming. In the Late Middle Ages, the counts of Velo, lords of the Alto Vicentino, often contended with the counts of Beseno di Folgaria for the possession of the mountainous part of a territory rich in forests of tall pieces, spruces, larches and beeches, which produced excellent agricultural products. In 1188, the men of Folgaria swore allegiance to the counts of Velo, while in 1202 the territory was assigned to the Community of Arsiero.


Lastebasse is a municipality rich in history and natural beauty, with its majestic hilly landscape that extends along the right bank of the high Val d'Astico. The territory boasts an ancient and fascinating history, characterized by disputes between different populations and cultures. Now, its territory is renowned for its pastured malghe, covering a vast area that embraces different locations in the area. In general, Lastebasse is a perfect place for those who love contact with nature and hiking, thanks to the timeless beauty of its hills.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Sunday, Feb 6, 2022