
Discovering Lappano

Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to talk to you about Lappano, a small town in the province of Cosenza here in Calabria. I will present this in a friendly and informal way, so if you're ready, join me in discovering this interesting location.

The History of Lappano

To begin, let's talk about the history of Lappano. According to recent studies, it appears that the area had a Roman settlement. The discovery of some epigraphic fragments in the same territory could even date the settlement back to Roman times. In fact, some historians believe that the hamlets around Cosenza were founded precisely during this period to seek defense against Saracen invasions.

The botanical origin of the name Lappano has not been entirely confirmed, which should refer to a wild plant with hooked leaves, but seems unlikely as it should have been Lappeto or Lappato. Even the Greek origin seems unlikely due to the marked Romanization of the territory. It is believed that the name Lappano may be derived from a Roman name in -ius, such as L. (ucius) Appius. Roman artifacts have also been found, such as an inscription carved on tuff, near the Church of the Assumption in the hamlet of Altavilla (Lappano), which contains the phrase "hoc conditum est".

Unfortunately, there is little information about the period of the High Middle Ages regarding Lappano. Only with the Angevin tax system have we been able to better reconstruct the primitive settlement legally in the Giustiziariato of Val di Crati, which had Cosenza as its capital. Based on the tax paid by the community, it is estimated that the population was composed of 1326 people.

Discover Lappano: history, nature, and local cuisine.

The Present of Lappano

Now let's move on to the present of Lappano. The town is located at the foot of the Sila, near Mount Santo Janni, east of Cosenza. The municipal territory ranges in altitude from 196 to 1488 meters and has only 886 inhabitants. I had the fortune to visit Lappano and can say that this location will amaze you with its views of mountains, nature, and surrounding valleys.

The historic center of Lappano is very characteristic, with narrow streets and ancient stone buildings. It is worth visiting the Church of the Assumption, the patron church, which dates back to 1700. Inside, you can admire finely crafted frescoes and the statue of the Virgin of the Assumption.

Furthermore, I strongly recommend visiting the Sanctuary of Monte Poro, located about 12 km from Lappano. Built on the homonymous mountain, this sanctuary is a very important pilgrimage site for the community. It houses the statue of the Madonna del Pilerio, an object of great devotion by the faithful.

The Food of Lappano

I couldn't conclude this presentation without talking about the food of Lappano. Local cuisine is the expert hand of the mothers, who pass down their recipes from generation to generation. I recommend trying the 'nduja, the typical spicy salami, to eat spread on bruschetta. Additionally, the local production of mushrooms is of the highest quality, so try the dish of porcini mushrooms or if you're lucky, you can also taste them in a pasta dish.


There you have it! I hope I have piqued your curiosity with this presentation of Lappano. I strongly recommend visiting this area to appreciate its natural beauty and to discover its history. Good luck on your next adventure!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Friday, Apr 29, 2022